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Feeling depressed

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:37 pm
by God Thundercracker
I miss my Dad so much. He passed away in February from pancreatic cancer. I have been trying to deal with my pain but it is so hard.

Re: Feeling depressed

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:00 pm
by CelticDragon
I remember you talking about this a few months ago. It can be very hard to deal with losing someone you are so close to. I lost my dad several years ago after a long battle with a debilitating illness and it is heartbreaking. You watch your loved one suffer and then you lose them. Finding ways to deal with that can be very difficult. I hope you know you are not alone. Hopefully you can reach out to someone who will listen when you need to talk. I'm not sure where you'd look but I have friends who found grief support groups to be a godsend to them when they were hurting. Maybe try googling for a group near you or contact a pastor or community center for information.

For what it's worth, you have my sympathy.

Re: Feeling depressed

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:44 am
by ZeroWolf
If you want to talk about anything you can always post it here. It does good getting the thoughts out of your head. Most of us here have suffered losses like this. A couple of years ago my wife lost her dad and nan in the space of a year. Those wounds are still raw and we lost contact with one of her sisters in the aftermath (don't feel sorry for her, she stole money from her father on his deathbed on xmas eve...).

No one expects you to fully accept everything, so you shouldn't either. As the poster above me says, try support groups or just post your feelings here :)

Re: Feeling depressed

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:00 am
by fenrir72
In Asian and other beliefs, if you still are hung up and depressed about your dad, he won't "cross over" and still be tied to this plane of existence. You don't want him to be sad too do you?

I mean this with all sincerity btw.

Re: Feeling depressed

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:40 pm
by Fox Thiagarajan
Just trying to help but sometimes it is good to recall some good memories you've had. That being said, please share some of those memories with us. I lost my grandfather this past year and been missing him as well.
One of my favorite recollections of him were the times he would take my brother and my cousins along on his walks on the Old Erie Canal Trail. He would teach us how to make paper boats which we'd float along the water. That is one among so many but I recently recalled this memory with my cousin and we both teared up and laughed. Helped so much.

Re: Feeling depressed

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:36 pm
by babylon queen
Death is a part of life whether you are religious or not or believe in the supernatural or not.