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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:26 pm
by MasterSoundBlaster

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Warrior
Alternate Modes: Locomotive Engine
Weapons: Large Warhammer, Laser rifle
Height: 36ft
Quote: ”Bearings of Brass and here to kick ass."

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 5
Speed: 4
Endurance: 9
Courage: 8
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 8
To be determined by Mods

When people say that Railway is optimistic, they aren’t tossing the word around lightly. This bot can see the silver lining in almost any situation, no matter how grim, and his endless supply of courage and bravery doesn’t help but add more fuel to his fire. Railway is also one of the kindest bots around, often times going out of his way to help the littler bots around him. He hasn’t been known to turn a single bot away, no matter how trivial or mundane the task was.

Originally constructed to be used to transport supplies and materials across Cybertron, Railway abandoned his title to participate in a new form of Gladiatorial combat. Whereas the hand-to-hand combat was the more well known form of gladiatorial combat in the Cybertronian underground, the matches Railway participated in were all vehicle-based and the objective was to try and run your opponent down or off the road. It was here that Railway was given his new name as well as the title “The Terror of the Tracks”.

The war broke out before Railway could make it to the big leagues of the gladiatorial undergrounds. After hearing what kind of crimes and horrors most of the former gladiators did, Railway allied himself with the Autobots.

Railway is built like a tank, making him capable of shrugging off most forms of damage he receives, bullet rounds seem to simply bounce off his toughened exterior. Although his long ranged weaponry may be lacking in firepower, the Terror of the Tracks makes up for it with incredible hand-to-hand combat techniques and sheer brute force. While Railway may also not be skilled with technical machinery; he has demonstrated quite some skill with an electric paint sprayer and is well known to change his color scheme quite often like the former Senator Shockwave.

Railway’s greatest weakness would have to be his relatively slow speed in both modes. His vast amounts of courage and high sense of optimism also clouds his judgment, often sending him into grand acts of bravado. Railway also suffers from Claustrophobia, making shuttle rides or times in crowded areas really difficult and uneasy for the bulky mech.