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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:14 am
by Ember

Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Nurse
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian hover craft
Weapons: Standard rifle, spare sidearm
Height: 28ft/ 8.53m
Quote: “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 3
Endurance: 5
Courage: 7
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 7
Rank: 5

Profile: Veneer spent most of his formative years studying at some of the less than savory medical facilities. One of the more infamous was the Deltaran Medical Facility. While working under Kaput, Veneer expanded on his function helping his patients in any way he could from just listening to consoling. But it was those who chose not to fight that drew his undivided attention.

Giving up was never an option to and for Veneer. He could never accept the decision to surrender to fate. Often Veneer could be found sitting by the berthsides of despondent patients urging them to fight. At times his audiences would find his form of “cheerleading” more in tune with nagging. But it was Veneer’s persistence and optimism that would finally help break through the shell of despair that his patients were wrapped in.

For vorns Veneer worked tirelessly in the Rodion facility, and although he was offered several opportunities to study at the more prestigious of institutes Veneer believed that he could make more of an impact in the less than desirable district.

In truth Veneer never had the desire to become a doctor or a medic. He preferred to let the more manually dexterous professionals perform their miracles leaving him to follow up by providing the basic needs the patient required.

Veneer finds it much more gratifying to know that he had an influential hand in a patient’s recovery; without even lifting a laser scalpel.

After the war began Veneer moved on and eventually joined the Autobots. He was involved in several campaigns where he helped save the lives of hundreds of soldiers. His never give up attitude helped to push those who were willing to give up on themselves and the war.

Although he pushes his patients hard he is still highly regarded as an important asset to the medical team.

Abilities: Veneer is a nurse by function and is therefore capable of performing only minor repairs. Any injury deemed more complicated would require a doctor or surgeon’s expertise.

Although Veneer may appear to be physically capable of holding off a small company of Decepticons, he lacks the training to fend off no more than one or two aggressors.

Veneer carries a standard rifle that fires typical ceramic rounds. The projectiles are only capable of incapacitating giving Veneer enough time to remove himself from a dangerous situation.

He transforms into a Cybertronian hover craft and is often used as a transport for the wounded. His top speed in this mode is 59 mph with a range of 150 miles.

Weaknesses: Veneer is not a warrior; he’s not even a trained fighter. When confronted by an attacker Veneer is more likely to retreat than fight.

He has a deep set desire to help everyone with everything. If he fails in his attempt Veneer tends to fall into depressed state. But with a bit of gentle coaxing Veneer will spring back and move on to the next patient he can help.