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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:27 pm
by #Sideways#

Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-group: Minibot
Function: Survivalist
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian Sports Car (Cybertron), Audi R8 GT (Earth)
Weapons: Fire Stone Slingshot, 3-Bladed Knife
Special Abilities: Low fuel consumption
Height: 13 ft/3.96 m
Quote: “Only the fierce shall live.”

Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Dexterity: 8.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 7.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 7.0
Accuracy: 8.0
Melee: 6.0
Tech Skill: 7.0
Charisma: 7.0
Rank: 5.0

Profile: Wheelie is the "Wild Boy" of any planet; he is an Autobot youth-like mech who's forthcoming is survival. Whereas his alternate modes are not useful for speeding through the wilderness, they are useful for speeding through the jungle that is the city. There certainly was a time when Wheelie was not the person to rhyme, but he was taught how to rhyme and he quickly came to it as his common use of speech. Not everyone appreaciates it like Wheelie does, however.

Abilities: He fights only when he's under attack and has to defend himself. He uses a three-bladed knife similar to a Swiss Army Knife. He also uses a Slingshot which hurls fire stones which explodes on impact when he must attack his enemies or defend himself. His alternate mode of a Cybertronian Sports Car can reach 270 mph as a top speed and his R8 mode can reach up to 198 mph; a stark contrast to the Cybertronian mode, but Wheelie likes the look of it as an alternate mode.

Weaknesses: He has no known weakness.
