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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:18 pm
by USDA Prime

Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Reconnaissance & Communications
Alternate Modes: Flying Saucer
Weapons: High-Powered Particle Cannons
Special Abilities: Escape velocity, space flight, robot mode adapted for low-gravity environments.
Height: 16ft/4.87m
Quote: “Reach for the stars, but never leave your friends.”

Strength: 2
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 3
Speed: 10
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 9
Melee: 3
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 7
Rank: 6

Cosmos is one of the loneliest Autobots. His primary function keeps him in space for extended perods of time, much like the Combaticon Blast Off. In contrast to Blast Off, Cosmos is a well-liked mechanoid who has no problem expressing how much he enjoys the company of his comrades. His friends send Cosmos frequent messages when he's in orbit, but sometimes neither that nor zipping through meteor showers is enough to relieve his boredom. When orbitting Earth, he occasionally pulls pranks like flying to the surface and hovering over someone's home. This generally gives the Earthlings a bit of a harmless scare and also gives the light-hearted Cosmos a funny story to tell his friends when he finally gets back.

In vehicle mode, Subject can achieve orbit under his own power, and is highly maneuverable. He's capable of traveling the distance between Earth and the Moon with sufficient Energon. Subject functions as a communications satellite. His optical sensors can see a human-sized objeck at a distance of 600 miles. His robot mode is not very strong, but it's designed for zero-gravity operations. Both modes utilize high-powered particle cannons.


Subject's robot mode is cumbersome on land in anything but low-gravity environments.