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PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:19 pm
by Foximus

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Assassin
Alternate Modes: Stealth Fighter Jet
Weapons: Particle Beam Rifle, Flamethrower, Electro Sabre
Height: 31ft/ 12.56m
Quote: “If you don't use your head, you might just lose it."

Strength: 6
Intelligence:  8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 7
Endurance: 6
Courage: 6
Firepower: 6
Accuracy:  6
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 4
Rank: 5

Profile: Darkfire has been with Decepticons since their earliest days. A long time member of the Cybertronian underground and a veteran of several gladiatorial pits, it was only natural for her to join the Decepticon cause when a gladiator named Megatron proposed revolution. Darkfire participated in many an assassination against the various political figures at the time, taking a unique pleasure in her work. Her spark sister, Foxfire, had the misfortune of being one of the lower class. As a jet-former, Darkfire had been rather privileged in the caste system the Senate had set up, but her sister did not. Foxfire required special medical attention for a rare condition that she'd been forged with. Unfortunately, that required either status or credits of which Foxfire had neither.

Darkfire fell into the underground to gain enough credits to pay for her spark sister's treatment, but eventually found that she thrived in that sort of work. She kept it a secret from Foxfire, knowing her law-abiding, sweet sister would never approve. So, when Foxfire eventually discovered Darkfire's true profession, she berated the assassin and begged her to stop. Darkfire stubbornly refused, and kept sending her sister credits. Unbeknownst to her, her sister refused her credits and as the unrest grew worse, went to a relinquishment clinic.

Darkfire is the quiet type and always has been. She follows orders without any hesitation or question. She seems to lack a conscience and has carried out multiple atrocities with as much reservation as one would have for killing a fly. Darkfire’s cold demeanor emanates from her in such a way that others usually tend to avoid her. She holds a no nonsense approach to missions. Despite her cold demeanor, Darkfire is no stranger to sarcasm and the intricacies of speaking. Although she is familiar with tact, Darkfire doesn’t often employ its use, preferring to speak frankly.

Unlike the stereotypical seeker, Darkfire's design is rather unique. Darkfire's wings actually break apart and form part of her armor covering her back. As a result, her armor can be reconfigured to hold containers or other such burdens. The wheels of her alternate form decorate the outside of her ankle. The cockpit of the jet does make up her chest, but overall, Darkfire generally appears to have a land based alternate mode at first glance.

Unlike most Decepticons or Autobots, Darkfire’s optics are not blue or red. Instead, they are violet.

Abilities: Darkfire possessed superior agility in robot and alternate modes. While not the fastest of jets, she is by no means slow. Although Darkfire is a practitioner of Metallikato, she also has a grasp of the other various fighting styles such as Circuit-Su and Crystalocution. She is deadly in close combat and even more when she attacks from the shadows. Her particle beam rifle fires a concentrated beam of energy that can usually pierce a hole through any target. Her hands can retract and give way to her flamethrowers, spewing out a stream of molten chemicals that continue to burn long after the heat has faded. When confronted in close combat, Darkfire has her electro sabre to fall back on, which carries its own electrical charge to further stun or damage enemies.

Darkfire is painfully intelligent, able to analyze all situations and their possible outcomes in an astrosecond. Her intelligence extends over into her resourcefulness when faced with a sticky situation. She also has the moderate ability to hack into some databases. While she is no expert hacker, Darkfire is adequate enough in her ability. Darkfire will almost always have several contingency plans when preparing to go out on any assignment.

Darkfire's actuators are clawed, allowing her to use them as weapons as a last resort. She can scale walls and cling to ceilings with the help of both her claws and agility, allowing her to move around in unconventional ways. As an assassin, Darkfire is familiar with the usual unconventional entry points in guarded facilities. She is practiced in the art of silent movement, hardly making a sound as she walks normally, making none when she tries to be covert.

Weaknesses: While mostly detached from the surrounding world, Darkfire does have a temper. She is prone to make mistakes when she gets angry and willingly fall into traps at times. Also, she prefers to work alone and being forced to work in a group may cause her to snap at comrades in her team and, in severe cases, disobey orders. Darkfire is easily annoyed by what she considers incompetence and does not hesitate to point it out bluntly. Darkfire occasionally toys with her targets like a cat and mouse, and this may allow her target to deal severe damage to her or escape her.