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Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:18 am
by Emerje
Well, it didn't hit 10,000 overnight like I thought it would, but it might do it in the first 24 hours, it just needs 35 as I write this at 9:15am.

As for stretch goals, it's pretty telling when they call them "upgrades" this time and mentioned that it has attachment points on the sides and a trailer hitch on the back. I think one of them might be a second seat for the rear compartment, though it really should have come with two from the start.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:26 am
by o.supreme
Just waking up here on the left coast, and tier 1 is reached. Props to them being ready ( I thought there would be a delay with the reveal since it founded so quickly), but the 2 side mounted missile racks look cool.

So by the end, this will probably be a monstrosity of overkill weapon options if all the tiers are unlocked. ;)

The fact that this far surpassed the speed to back of any other Haslab, hopefully other teams will take notice

I mean Transformers has only had 2, and both were well thought out. Unicron was risky from a price perspective. Victory Saber was risky based on ( possible) lack of recognition. But I'm glad they both worked. I backed VS and am looking forward to it. I would like to see another TF Haslab perhaps later in the year. I have ideas, but again name recognition would probably cause them to be risky, but $200-300 is definitely easier to back than anything $500+

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:06 am
by blackeyedprime
I thought saber was risky not actually being a complete figure until stretch goals were met.

The hiss tank is half convincing me to quit on Joes with the price of the haslab tbf. Its nice but I'm not sure it's less than half that price nice. Looks like it will reach all its stretch goals so it may justify some of the asking price. They definitely couldn't have sold this at retail for this price anyways so at least it feels like it has a reason to be a funded project.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:35 am
by Emerje
I guess the Joe team can be slow on the trigger, too. The second upgrade was unlocked and posted all over social media and emailed out, but they still haven't put it on the HasLab page yet. It's a replacement simple canopy and flatter track armor to make it look more like the original from the 80s without the red.

Man, the next Transformers campaign is really going to have to step things up with the stretch goals.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:47 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
I'm pretty surprised that the Hiss tank funded so quickly, but I feel happy for Joe fans that they got this. especially at such a quick pace too.

I have no idea what is wrong with Star Wars right now, the fact that a 2nd Haslab in a year is about to fail is baffling

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:56 pm
by o.supreme
Emerje wrote:Man, the next Transformers campaign is really going to have to step things up with the stretch goals.


I have many ideas, unfortunately most of them cater to my list of rare characters that probably wouldn't make a good Haslab. But yes for sure the next TF Haslab will be interesting for sure. I was hoping TF would get the next one (late summer into September, around the same time as VS was last year), but all the rumors point to the next Haslab being another Marvel Legends. Which could honestly go either way.

Sentinel and Galactus were immensely popular. But Marvel is another Giant IP that has been damaged by Disney in recent years (similar to Star Wars). If Hasbro avoids anything MCU related, it will have much better chance of success.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:00 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
o.supreme wrote:
Emerje wrote:Man, the next Transformers campaign is really going to have to step things up with the stretch goals.


I have many ideas, unfortunately most of them cater to my list of rare characters that probably wouldn't make a good Haslab. But yes for sure the next TF Haslab will be interesting for sure. I was hoping TF would get the next one (late summer into September, around the same time as VS was last year), but all the rumors point to the next Haslab being another Marvel Legends. Which could honestly go either way.

Sentinel and Galactus were immensely popular. But Marvel is another Giant IP that has been damaged by Disney in recent years (similar to Star Wars). If Hasbro avoids anything MCU related, it will have much better chance of success.

What do you mean "damaged?" as far as I can tell, MCU hasn't slowed down and I welcome some sort of MCU Haslab myself

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:28 pm
by o.supreme
Pretty much everything in phase 4 ( aside from Spider Man No Way Home) has failed either with General Audiance,Critics or financially. In some cases more than one of those factors. Disney+ series, each successive one (aside from Loki) is getting fewer views, and lower scores than the one before. The MCU is not in good shape right now.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:13 am
by o.supreme
Just got an email from Pulse. Seems like the next Haslab will be revealed on 09/16. Seems the rumors were correct that it is a Marvel Legends, and will be Ghost Rider. But as to which iteration of GR, and what all it comes with/tiers is all to be revealed.

Since VS followed Galactus last year, here's to hoping we get a TF Haslab close to years end. Also hopefully Hasbro learned from last year and not run multiple Haslabs at the same time.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 5:54 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
o.supreme wrote:Just got an email from Pulse. Seems like the next Haslab will be revealed on 09/16. Seems the rumors were correct that it is a Marvel Legends, and will be Ghost Rider. But as to which iteration of GR, and what all it comes with/tiers is all to be revealed.

Since VS followed Galactus last year, here's to hoping we get a TF Haslab close to years end. Also hopefully Hasbro learned from last year and not run multiple Haslabs at the same time.

Main rumor is the Robbie Reyes Ghostrider with the Hellcharger, which I admit will be hard for me to pass up. But there are rumors of another potential Haslab circulating...

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:17 am
by Emerje
I could see that being a HasLab, sure. 1/12 scale car would be hard to make for retail at the proper quality collectors expect. 2ould also like to see a light up Galactic Ghostrider, too.

We know from one of the live streams that another Transformers project is coming soon as well.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:47 am
by o.supreme
Hmm... $350 for the new Ghost Rider. Also, looks like Haslab is trying the early bird incentive thing again since it worked with GI Joe. I wonder though... If this artificially inflates the backers? I mean they could get 9K relatively quick. The if the tiers turn out to be a bust, it could fall below that, and potentially not fund since backers can cancel up until before the deadline.

I mean I guess its a risk they are willing to take. Not sure how much work they do even before the campaign ends. Besides... a Marvel Haslab hasn't failed we shall see.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:49 pm
by Emerje
I watched the live stream... chat was NOT impressed by the price at all. I have my doubts about it reaching the earlybird Target date. I first checked immediately after the stream and it was over 700 backers, and then I checked back at 3:30 pm and the numbers were up to 2,600, but now at 9:30pm it's at 2,900. Normally hitting 1/3 of the goal in 10 hours would show promise, but the rapid cool off on the backers makes 9,000 in a week seem unlikely.

It's already got double the backers of Reva's lightsaber so there's that.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:18 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
Not surprised at the actual project, and the package looks stunning, it looks great! But I too was surprised by the price. I felt it would be closer to $250 instead, especially given the HISS Tank. I still think this will make it though, I'm confident in that.

I want to back, but I am going to wait to see if anything else comes up before the end of the backing period incase I need to make a decision.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:13 pm
by Emerje
I'm sure it'll be successful, but it picked up less than 1000 backers over the weekend. I have my doubts it'll pick up 5000+ backers by Friday to get Robbie, but we'll see.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:25 am
by Emerje
Less than 12 hours to go before the early bird deadline and it's still nearly 3,500 short. Seems highly unlikely people will be getting their Robbie figure.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:48 am
by o.supreme
Yes, they fell short of the Early Bird, and seems like numbers have almost flatlined since. Honestly, this makes me a little nervous if another TF Haslab is revealed later this year. I hope it's something fans really want. Also I hope they don't do the Early Bird incentive. Whether it's something I'm interested in/can afford, or not. Just the idea of funding something knowing it's not going thave all it could have would be discouraging.

I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see Ghost Rider numbers actually go.down.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:47 am
by blackeyedprime
As one of X (where X is a relatively low amount of people in the world) having Heroscape V1 and V2 I can safely say I wont be paying £250 for the new game. Hope it gets funded so that they bring out terrain packs as hexagon tiles are always useful but can't see it happening.

The miniatures not being painted and battle ready is half wof what the concept of the game was about -even if painters can paint them a million times better.

The hiss tank figures look great but seeing as hasbro doesnt want Europe buying Joes or they are treading water over war toys with Ukraine (Country/Place) looks like I'll be paying stupid money on a Serpentor but might be able to get a hiiss tank at a decent price form all the overseas backers they are rubbing the wrong way.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:17 am
by o.supreme
I'm woefully ignorant about table top gaming as it's not really my thing. But does the new Hero Scape have anything to do with the previous Hero Quest Haslab? I always thought it was odd, that one was funded by dollars and not by number of units.

Anyway...Hasbro is seemingly just throwing out random things rather than researching and trying to find out from the various fandoms what would be the truly Haslab Worthy.

I do want to see another TF project, but at this point, I'm good on waiting until early 2023. If it came out before end of year, especially if it was something I really wanted, not sure if I could afford it.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:36 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
o.supreme wrote:I do want to see another TF project, but at this point, I'm good on waiting until early 2023. If it came out before end of year, especially if it was something I really wanted, not sure if I could afford it.

this may be the biggest reason I do not end up backing the Ghost Rider Haslab, considering the number of ThreeZero items that I bought at the same time, somewhat foolishly

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:21 pm
by Emerje
They really should do a fan poll ahead of future Haslab projects.


Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:43 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot

Some food for thought.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:51 pm
by o.supreme
I agree with most of that. It is overpriced. But instead of offering it for less, it seems like fans are going to have to be prepared for Hasbro to not make something at all if the Haslab fails. I thought that they might have made some tweeks to the Black Series Rancor and try that again since it nearly funded last time. Looks like it isn't happening.

Lego is the biggest toy manufacturer last time I checked ( not Hasbro) but Mattell is increasing their prices as well, so it's not just Hasbro.

At any rate, I agree the Haslab projects should be more thoroughly researched before going live with them. I'm not even a GR fan, but a Johnny Blaze with Motorcycle for say...$175, maybe even $200 would have been way more popular than this.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:59 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot
I think even Sentinel and Galactus show they couldn't give a damn about anything other than fleecing the fanbase.

Toy Biz did BAF's for both, years ago, for a lot less. The Sentinel in particular is still regarded as one of the best Marvel Legends releases to date. Better articulation and paint apps for those moulds is all they had to do. Sentinel in particular, would have flown off the shelves. Plus even coming with the option for two separate paint decos (comic and animated). They could have made more money out of each with a lot less effort.

But they chose HasLab-Greed instead.

Re: Haslab General Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:04 pm
by blackeyedprime
Pretty much why I've backed Zero haslabs or the uber expensive s7 thundertank/party wagon preorders.