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Show your Spartans, Rep that Mjolnir.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:49 pm
by Blurrz
Time I started a Halo Toy thread!

First figure I got was back when JoyRide had the license and they released 7.5" figures that had a hard enough plastic to beat someone with. Still one of my favorite figures. Also have a Heretic Elite, but that one is pretty beat up.

Then when McFarlane got the license for Halo 3, I was pumped. Smaller, but had a better weapon management system. But then I realized that I'd just never be able to keep up with the amount of figures they released. Sort of got into collecting alot of them when they had the Katana Reward Points campaign, but then that was neutered when they released the same sword in an Armor Pack. I'm just still a bit uncontent with the quality of the H3 figures.. it was a good concept but meh.

And then... Halo: Reach came along. Fantastic figures, way, way, way better than their predecessors. And they're taller too. :o Looking to get way more of these when I get the time to go through what's been released.. and eventually build up my in-game Spartan.

Re: Show your Spartans, Rep that Mjolnir.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:38 am
by Air Commander Starscream
I have a ton of the earlier McFarlane Halo 3 figures but I stopped after series 5 I think. It was right before they started to do some of the Halo Wars figures. I loved the figures but I wanted to be a completest on them, and McFarlane was starting to really get ridiculous with the Exclusives having some of them be UK and even Australian exclusives. The CQB was always my fav armor type fallowed by the ODST, and Red was my color of choice.

I will have to take a picture but I did do a custom red CQB with my actual Halo 3 Emblem and colors from multiplayer.

Re: Show your Spartans, Rep that Mjolnir.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:41 pm
by Blurrz
I'd always have problems with the CQB armor, it would always fall off like crazy.

And yeah, I wanted to be a completionist in regards to the Halo 3 figures.. and then the exclusives just started kicking me in the rear and I gave up, lol.

Re: Show your Spartans, Rep that Mjolnir.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:52 am
by Air Commander Starscream
Yea especially the pink D&R Lineup exclusive figures. It was like paying $50 for a $8ish figure, insane. The Toys R Us and Game stop exclusive figures were not too bad, you could even get the Game stop exclusives from their website for straight retail value. One of the hard domestic exclusives to find was the Wal-Mart blue Spartans. I was living in Washington at the time and more than half of the Wal-Marts didn't even sell the Mcfarlane Halo figures. I wasted sooo much gas driving around trying to get those damn blue Spartans.

Re: Show your Spartans, Rep that Mjolnir.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:00 pm
by Grahf

Well sir, it appears that your plastic prison idea actually works.