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Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:17 pm
by o.supreme
Burn wrote:Now that they've discovered more money for the voice actor budget, can they find some money for the script budget for PotP?

Same I'm going to say no. But, to be fair, I'd say overall it was better than CW (I know not saying much...) But if the trend continues, we could actually, potentially, in this crazy world where PotP may end up better then the worst of the Unicron Trilogy...( everybody's opinion of worst is different , so take your pick..) just sayin' ;)

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:20 pm
by o.supreme
Rysquad wrote:Will there be a new Megatronus toy?

That was my initial thought, but Hasbro hasn't revealed anything beyond the Prime Masters as representing the Prime's themselves (Megatronus is said to be with Bomb-Burst in wave 3 of PotP). Though I must say that Megatronus had that "Toyetic" (points if you know where that's from) look.

Machinima Titans Return Episode 10 REVIEW

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:37 pm
by Bronzewolf
Another Tuesday brings another episode of Machinima's Titans Return animated series. We're finally up to the final episode this week, episode ten, and boy are we in for a big one. That's not necessarily saying it's good or bad, just that it's packed to the brim with new, interesting, and slightly confusing moments. So without further ado, let's take a look at the final episode of Titans Return!

We rejoin the action with Trypticon having just eaten Victorion, the Enigma of Combination, Perceptor, and the Matrix of Leadership. This is obviously too much power for even the giant Titan, so he automatically rejects them all, coughing up the two Autobots and the two relics. Starscream's ghost is also released from Trypticon's body, and he falls, having basically been turned into an empty shell. The former council member says his final words to the Megatron and the rest of the cast, and then disappears into the ether. Sort of an anti-climatic end to the main plot thread of the series, but it at least makes some sort of sense. For the first time in a few episodes, Overlord is shown again, now overlooking (badumtiss) the aftermath of the battle.

"Well ain't that downright...finger lickin' good."

Victorion tries to retake the Enigma, but it catches her on fire, burning her right forearm, an entire half of Dust Up (Who may or may not exist as a separate personality in this continuity, given this series' track record with Combiners), completely off.

She recoils from the attack as the fire spreads, creating a ring around both the Enigma and the Matrix. The fire climbs higher and creates the shape of a...fairly non-threatening smiley face?

"Children of my third cousin twice removed's wife's sister's bank teller!"

The Emoji from hell reveals himself to be some sort of God to the Transformers, and Optimus wants to defend Cybertron from his obvious evil intentions, but Megatron convinces Prime to let him talk to the mystical being first. As Megatron approaches, the being reveals himself to be none other than Megatronus. Megatron speaks to him, reminding the God that he has, for eternities, fought under his name with respect and honor, and united the Decepticons Megatronus created. Megatronus tells him to move on to his point, so Megatron continues.

I have a few issues with Megatron's speech here.

The first is that Megatron curses Megatronus, saying "Goddamn you!". It caught me so off guard that it totally pulled me out of the episode. I haven't really shared my thoughts on the PG-13 nature of this series' dialogue yet, so I'll throw those two cents in now. It's not the principle of swearing that bothers me specifically, I think it's fine to use for effect, but in this series it feels like they're including it just because they can. There's no drama to it, no anguish, it's just there. Not only that, but in this specific case it makes no sense, as he's the God doing the damning. Perhaps it would have been more of an effect had he said "Primus Damn you!" or something to that effect, referencing a power higher than Megatronus. I digress.

My second issue with this scene is Megatron himself. Megatron's voice actor is one of the best parts of both this series and its predecessor, Combiner Wars. The sarcastic and flippant take on the classic character is seriously one of the best Megatrons we've seen since G1, but in this specific scene, it doesn't completely work. He's lamenting to his God and Idol about all of these things he's done to try and honor Megatronus, but he still maintains his indifferent exterior. It actually would have been an interesting scene to have him perhaps become slightly vulnerable at the feet of his idol when he's so buffed against vulnerability toward everyone else. It would have deepened his character, and would have really shown that he felt betrayed about doing all these things to gain approval of Megatronus just to receive nothing in response.

It's awesome to see our podcast staff in official media...

Anyway, Optimus and Fort Max use this opportunity to try to attack Megatronus, and it ends, uh, very poorly.

Fort Max actually uses the Master Sword, which is pretty awesome to see in an American series, but Megatronus easily blocks his attacks. He then gets rushed by Prime, though Optimus is similarly no match for the god, and gets blasted through the chest by a lazer. Yep, we get to deal with this again.

Oh, guys, no. Why? Didn't Transformers: The Movie teach you anything about what happens when you kill Optimus Prime?

As the life drains from Optimus's eyes, Megatronus warns of an apocalyptic event that will bring an end to the Transformers. With that cryptic warning, he disappears. Megatron realizes he knows where to find Megatronus, and asks the rest of the team to follow him there, promising the new adventure for the cast in the next series.

Overlord is still on a nearby hill watching what's transpiring before him, and for one final twist to this huge episode, it's revealed to us that he has turned Hot Rod into Rodimus Unicronus. With that, the episode, and the series, ends.


While on the whole this was a very enjoyable episode, there were bits and pieces that irked me. Line deliveries, pacing issues, the norm for this series. It answered a few questions and ended a few plot threads, but started quite a few more, but does lead in to a cliffhanger to transition into Power of The Primes. The amount of new characters and plot twists has definitely peaked my interest, and was an exciting episode, but I feel that spreading some of them out over the past couple of episodes would have been better. Some of the more recent installments have felt a bit too dull and filler-like, but it did make for quite a nail-biting episode today, like I said. And if there's one thing you can say for these Machinima shows, they're always unpredictable.

Looking at the series as a whole, it was not bad by any stretch. I've maintained since the beginning that it is leagues ahead of Combiner Wars, and it really is. In voice talent, animation, pacing, even the mouth movements on the characters, everything is a huge improvement. I can say unequivocally this production team learned a lot from their past mistakes and tried to remedy some of them. There lies the problem, though: They didn't fix enough of them. The pacing still feels off, some of the conversations need, desperately, to feel more natural and flowing. Character movements need to be more natural, and need to express more emotion when someone's talking. It's all very close to being good, and they have made vast improvements and learned a lot, I just think they need to learn a bit more.

Thanks for reading this review, and, as always, please share your thoughts down in the Energon Pub forums. Sorry today's review was a tad longer than what I normally do, there was a lot to unpack. Tell me if you agree with the points I made, or if I'm way off base. See you later this year, with the release of Power of the Primes!

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:39 pm
by Burn
o.supreme wrote:
Burn wrote:Now that they've discovered more money for the voice actor budget, can they find some money for the script budget for PotP?

Same I'm going to say no. But, to be fair, I'd say overall it was better than CW (I know not saying much...) But if the trend continues, we could actually, potentially, in this crazy world where PotP may end up better then the worst of the Unicron Trilogy...( everybody's opinion of worst is different , so take your pick..) just sayin' ;)

Keep my expectations low then.
Not like it was going to be any other way.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:42 pm
by primalxconvoy
o.supreme wrote:Well It was kind of cool to see Fort Max as a fully powered Titan, able to stand up to Trypticon even with augmented Powers. Having Trypticons transformation again shrouded was disappointing. They should have just made this an actual animated series instead of a cheap web-series. Of course when I say full animated series, I mean with professional level writers, directors, animators etc...Yeah I know Hasbro would never go for it, that's why we cant have nice things.

I would have been happy with just an animated comic style affair, with great voice acting and some nice effects. There was a pretty good motion comic a while back about the War Within that seemed better than Machinima's efforts.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:47 pm
by o.supreme
Fan made videos are fine. I have ma favorites also.

but, for better or worse, I always keep them separate form official media.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:54 pm
by primalxconvoy
o.supreme wrote:Fan made videos are fine. I have ma favorites also.

but, for better or worse, I always keep them separate form official media.

I meant that Machinima could have used this style of animation to save money and spend more in the writing, visual effects, voice actors, length, etc.

Some might say that there are practically no differences in frame rate between a motion comic, and what we have got right now ;)

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:30 pm
by chuckdawg1999
I feel bad for the voice cast on POTP, because Joe's gonna kill them.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:37 pm
by o.supreme
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I feel bad for the voice cast on POTP, because Joe's gonna kill them.

I haven't watched rasslin' since 2002, so I have no idea who this guy is. After looking him up online, he seems like a good fit for Predaking.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:39 pm
by Sabrblade
That wasn't even Rodimus Unicronus at the end. We got cheated out of even expecting that since that was just Nemesis Hot Rod.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:01 pm
by Rysquad
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I feel bad for the voice cast on POTP, because Joe's gonna kill them.


Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:09 pm
by Burn
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I feel bad for the voice cast on POTP, because Joe's gonna kill them.

Just imagine if the timing had been right, they could have had a different voice actor for when Fortress Maximus WOKE.

Re: Machinima Titans Return Episode 10 REVIEW

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:32 pm
by King Kuuga
Bronzewolf wrote:I haven't really shared my thoughts on the PG-13 nature of this series' dialogue yet, so I'll throw those two cents in now. It's not the principle of swearing that bothers me specifically, I think it's fine to use for effect, but in this series it feels like they're including it just because they can. There's no drama to it, no anguish, it's just there.

I have a minor point of contention regarding this: this show is not PG-13. It's solidly PG. You can fit a few "damns" and "hells" and (according to TF:TM) even a "****" in a PG film. It's not language alone that determines the rating, it's the level of action, violence, themes, and intensity of what's onscreen, and nothing in this series surpasses is any worse than TF: Prime, it just sticks in a few curse words because..... reasons. I agree with your comment that the profanity doesn't add anything, but considering this a PG-13 work is a bit much.

So, this episode..... I got halfway through, stopped and rewatched episode 9, and I realized they still didn't show the Combiners being released from Trypticon's control. I assume it happened when he ate the Matrix but still, the episode opened with them just standing there. Not a great continuation after last week's cliffhanger. This whole episode felt anti-climactic, and I don't like that the plot thread with Overlord and Hot Rod was ignored for most of the series only to make a brief appearance here teasing the POTP show. I also don't quite get how Menasor and Devastator can be so mad at Megatron for claiming to want to reignite the Decepticons when they're supposed to be his (at least former) underlings, but I guess that goes along with Combiners effectively being their own faction here, which is strange since I think they still have faction symbols. Maybe I'm mis-remembering. The world of this show is not very well fleshed out at all. Megatronus was an interesting development at least, with an all-new design. Kudos for that, let's hope they don't squander that storyline next year. (not holding my breath) Oh and Optimus Prime is dead. How sad, this has never ever happened before in the history of the franchise, and I'm absolutely shaken that they would dare to kill off such a beloved icon permanently. :roll:

Well, this has been a trip. The show was, overall, better than Combiner Wars, but burdened with its own flaws. Ultimately we saw 6 standard toys from the toyline (but despite Perceptor's head-legs, none of them appeared to be Headmasters), both titans, and one single Titan Master who never actually formed anybody's head despite clearly having Cerebros's head on his back. And we never saw Cerebros at all, Fort Max just appeared fully formed. Not that I'm terribly surprised but Trypticon's drone never got used either. The show technically lived up to its title with the appearance of 3 titans, but didn't serve to advertise the toyline very well by not featuring its main gimmick at all. (of course, again, neither did CW so I don't know what I expected.) It feels weird to criticize a show for not being a blatant advertisement for toys, I'm not gonna lie, but there's just so much more unexplored potential in this series. I'm now betting that we will see at most 2 Prime Masters and maybe one Decoy Shell in the POTP series, and Elita One will be the only new toy character (barring Nemesis Hot Rod) and we'll never see her combine.

Re: Machinima Titans Return Episode 10 REVIEW

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:42 pm
by Bronzewolf
King Kuuga wrote:
Bronzewolf wrote:I haven't really shared my thoughts on the PG-13 nature of this series' dialogue yet, so I'll throw those two cents in now. It's not the principle of swearing that bothers me specifically, I think it's fine to use for effect, but in this series it feels like they're including it just because they can. There's no drama to it, no anguish, it's just there.

I have a minor point of contention regarding this: this show is not PG-13. It's solidly PG. You can fit a few "damns" and "hells" and (according to TF:TM) even a "****" in a PG film. It's not language alone that determines the rating, it's the level of action, violence, themes, and intensity of what's onscreen, and nothing in this series surpasses is any worse than TF: Prime, it just sticks in a few curse words because..... reasons. I agree with your comment that the profanity doesn't add anything, but considering this a PG-13 work is a bit much.

You misunderstand. I never said it was a "PG-13 work", just a PG-13 nature of the dialogue specifically. I understand the action/violence factor, and I agree with you, it's nothing worse than Prime, which is why I specified dialogue.

I hesitate to talk about any 80s movie in reference to PG-13, as it was brand new at the time, having been instituted in late 1984. A lot of 80s PG movies pushed the envelope, and I'd argue that TF The Movie potentially deserved a PG-13 rating, between the language and violence, as many of the 80s PG movies do. (Back to the Future comes to mind) I think the only thing that saved it (other than PG-13 not being very widely used) was the fact it was animated.
You'd be surprised how many people get offended by "Goddamn", which is why it's censored on TV and in songs on the radio, while "Damn" isn't. I stand by my thought, I think it's accurate.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:48 pm
by chuckdawg1999
o.supreme wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I feel bad for the voice cast on POTP, because Joe's gonna kill them.

I haven't watched rasslin' since 2002, so I have no idea who this guy is. After looking him up online, he seems like a good fit for Predaking.

Are we sure he's Predaking? I just thought that pic was for reference.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:51 pm
by Sabrblade
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
o.supreme wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I feel bad for the voice cast on POTP, because Joe's gonna kill them.

I haven't watched rasslin' since 2002, so I have no idea who this guy is. After looking him up online, he seems like a good fit for Predaking.

Are we sure he's Predaking? I just thought that pic was for reference.
You did read the POTP voice cast announcement, right?

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:56 pm
by MFA

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:55 pm
by Mindmaster
Dropped off after episode 7, but only watched this episode to hear how Hamill would do a Megatronus. Not bad, and I like the design for him. Reminds me of Animated Overlord a little.

Also, any reason TFWiki is calling him “Rodimus Cron?”

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:57 pm
by Sabrblade
Mindmaster wrote:Also, any reason TFWiki is calling him “Rodimus Cron?”
That's what the voice cast announcement for POTP has the evil Hot Rod listed as.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:01 pm
by primalxconvoy
Sabrblade wrote:
Mindmaster wrote:Also, any reason TFWiki is calling him “Rodimus Cron?”
That's what the voice cast announcement for POTP has the evil Hot Rod listed as.

Like Uni-cron? Surely it would be Rodi-cron?

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:52 pm
by Rated X
Wouldn't it be awesome if we could stop calling them "Machinimas" and "Magnas" ?

Cant we just call them what they are ? (cartoons and comics)

Seems like someone is just trying to make something sound overly sophisticated. Like if they feel the need justify adults watching cartoons or reading comics.

I dont know if the terms are offically coined by Hasbro/Takara or just fan made, but thats my 2 cents on them.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:04 pm
by Bronzewolf
Rated X wrote:Wouldn't it be awesome if we could stop calling them "Machinimas" and "Magnas" ?

Cant we just call them what they are ? (cartoons and comics)

Seems like someone is just trying to make something sound overly sophisticated. Like if they feel the need justify adults watching cartoons or reading comics.

I dont know if the terms are offically coined by Hasbro/Takara or just fan made, but thats my 2 cents on them.

I'm a bit confused what you're referring to. I refer to it as Machinima's Titans Return because

1. It's produced by Machinima
2. I want to be clear that I'm talking about the cartoon and not the toy line.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:23 pm
by Burn
And Magnas are a model of car put out by Mitsubishi ... so ... yeah. Cool story X, cool story.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:43 am
by Madeus Prime
That finale was...odd. Felt like many plot threads weren't properly cliffhanger-ed. Like Overlord and Rodimus? Ominous, yeah, but I wasn't excited by it. Starscream's whole thing? Well that was easily resolved. Honestly felt bad for Trypticon, he was possessed and left to be a rusted out shell. Megatron's snark has been the saving grace of this show. :lol: Although, I'm thrilled to see a new take on Megatronus, finally we see him as OP as I expect him to be (and not a walking furnace/wimpy teleporter/angry first Decepticon). And we have honestly my favorite voice actor in the role. :x

Whereas Combiner Wars was a 3/10 for me, I'll give this show a 6.5/10. The only thing holding me back is the overly drawn out plot and poor dubbing/voice acting. Though it's light years from how bad CW was, Windblade is just so snore-worthy (thank god Mistress of Flame is dead).

One thing I did like, Optimus totally miscalculated that attack. It was a dumb move, and it's honestly kinda funny to me that he would attack so blatantly and get blown away like he's nothing.

Re: Machinima Transformers Titans Return Animated Series Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:46 am
by ausbot
REally like the last episode, and cannot wait for the Power of the Primes.