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Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:48 pm
by Dead Metal
IDW has provided us a five page preview for the ongoing Transformers #13 comic book. Check out the official description and images from the preview below. Join our discussion about this book by clicking here.

Written by Mike Costa with art by Nick Roche.
Covers by Don Figueroa and Nick Roche

RODIMUS might be impulsive, but he’s not stupid. The last anyone saw of him, he was rocketing off Earth in disgrace and a stolen ship. In this issue we finally see where he went, what his plan was, and which long-absent DECEPTICONS he came up against. Mike Costa and fan-favorite artist Nick Roche deliver a stand-alone issue that sets up the entire second year of the hit ongoing series.

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99











Stay tuned for our review of this very issue!

Re: 5 page pre-view of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:34 am
by JRFitzpatrick7
i love this! i LOVE masterpiece Acid Storm! roche's art is incredible, i love that ongoing has several artists from TF comics past and present trying their hand at our heroes and villains.

this looks like a great story and so much fun!



Re: 5 page pre-view of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:00 am
by Vicalliose
"a safe made of meter-thick osmium alloy that nothing short of Omega Supreme could penetrate."
Oh, I see where this is going.

Re: 5 page pre-view of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:08 am
by Dead Metal
Vicalliose wrote:"a safe made of meter-thick osmium alloy that nothing short of Omega Supreme could penetrate."
Oh, I see where this is going.

You are correct!

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:00 am
by Oilspill
Don, I used to love your work, but that Kup design is possibly the ugliest transformer design I've seen. No offense, but it just doesn't appeal at all.

Nick's art looks great. Glad he gets to draw his favourite character again.

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:59 am
Oilspill wrote:Don, I used to love your work, but that Kup design is possibly the ugliest transformer design I've seen. No offense, but it just doesn't appeal at all.

Nick's art looks great. Glad he gets to draw his favourite character again.

That Kup wouoldn't be so ugly and more like his new generations toy if he had normal eyes and no visible rib cage thingy

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:06 am
by Heavy B
WTF is up with kups eyes?

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:40 am
by Jaw Crusher
Dr. Heavy B wrote:WTF is up with kups eyes?

My guess is they're probably old-man specs as opposed to his actual eyes. Like Movie Jetfire's cane, it's something to remind us that he's, y'know, old.

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:19 am
by Darth Bombshell
I've come to expect a certain wrongness when it comes to comics with the words "Written by Mike Costa" on it. And ever since I heard about what's in this issue, I expected it to suck harder than a Hoover.

But never in a quintillion years would I have expected this issue to be as wrong and to suck as hard as this preview makes it seem.

Ultra Magnus would NOT leave an apparently inpenetrable weapons locker open so any dumb schmuck could get into it. Hot Rod did NOT try to convince the others with reason. Hot Rod is NOT good with bold moves. Nobody in their right mind would plunge headlong into an enemy base and walk away alive.

And after what he did last issue, Mike Costa has no business writing Transformers comics, and needs to be fired from IDW post-haste if they have any respect for their readership or their quality of work they put out.

Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:28 am
by Dead Metal
Well it's that Tuesday again and you know what that means – idw Transformers Ongoing comic review time!

Just this time with Dead Metal, instead of TT24, that's because TT24 is chained up in my basement, and he shall remain there until idw makes a new Transformers comic I don't hate with a passion so intense that it should be illegal.
So I'll be reviewing The Transformers Ongoing #13, a comic by idw focusing on Hot Rod Rodimus Prime Roddy the Hot Rod, that is HOT, Rodimus (?), and the role he has in the future of the comic series. Oh looks like TT24's staying in my basement for a while – OR IS HE?!

And just in case you don't know, this review contains spoilers and as the name says, these spoilers spoil the comic for you. I will include the ending in this review, so if you don't mind getting spoilt keep on reading

So idw was very happy to stress to us that this issue took place in SPACE! and not on earth, but that's not all, they also stressed that this book had Rodimus, in SPACE!.
What an exciting brake from all that boring as hell Spike waffling, pseudo political waffling, propaganda, and the most boring and unexciting way Transformers have ever been portrait, seriously, they're giant sentient robots from SPACE!, how can they not be exiting and awesome – oh yea waffling...

I'm going to start by saying something about the art, since that's not just half of a comic but also the half one notices before the story.

The art, well the line art, is done by Nick Roche, the Irish artist who not only harassed idw into hiring him (according to Chris Ryall), but also made a huge impact on the fans with the art and scripting of such titles as "Spotlight: Kup" and "Last Stand of the Wreckers", the later with a great portion of help by James Roberts. He's famous for having a style that is both cartoony and organic, and still very mechanical. He's also, in his own words "Gay for Hot Rod".

And he does not disappoint, the art is very dynamic, expressive and full of character, and still very detailed.

Now on the subject that is always good for controversy in the idw comics since the Launch of "All Hail Megatron", the designs.
Nick Roche uses a mix of character designs, The Master Piece toy design for the Seekers, Don Figueroa's new design for Hot Rod, and the rest are more or less based on the Sunbow cartoon designs, except for a mystery character!

So the art will please Nick Roche-fans and displease those that don't care for his work, and comic character design nerds will probably find something to rage about.

I'll voice my opinion on the story part of the comic at the end of this review.

Now this is where the real spoilers start!

So the issue starts with Rodimus flying with Ultra Magnus's ship (which he stole from Ultra Magnus in #06) through SPACE!. They didn't lie you guys the story really is in SPACE!.

Now I'm not really going to say too much about the first five pages, since if you click here you can read them in the pre-view.

The pages give us a basic gist of what happened earlier, Rodimus "unexpectedly" getting swindled by Swindle (also #06), oh wow we didn't see that happening back when Swindle showed up in #02, how could you not trust someone going by that name. Rodimus also goes on about how smart he is, yea Swindle thinks so too, and that Ultra Magnus has a super-duper high security safe which can't be broken by anything short of Omega Supreme, which he doesn't lock. Why Magnus went through the trouble of owning that I don't understand, but I do think it's kind of funny, stupid but funny.

Rodimus arrives at the Decepticons' asteroid base and we see Acid Storm, yes he's even actually referred to as such, and Shrapnel. They lose their cool and shoot the ship, but due to an error the ship crashes and destroys their defences.

Bombshell gets the job of telling Starscream the bad news, who doesn't really care and tells him to go and fix it. Then we have a bit of an awkward moment in which Bombshell kind of suggests he should have The Matrix and tries taking it from Starscream (I guess it's like the "one" ring), who's still wearing it with a chain around his neck. Starscream orders him to "Leave us", which is odd as there is only Bombshell and Starscream in the room, maybe he's going nuts.

"And one to enslave them all."

We cut back to Rodimus who has survived the crash and gets ready to attack the base. However Acid Storm, Kickback and Bombshell search the wreak for survivors and useful things, and well they find Rodimus, who ambushes them and kills all three of them, well I guess he kills them.

I guess a fridge could have also been used for this.

Rodimus himself is then ambushed by Razorclaw, they exchange some dialogue in which Razorclaw reveals he could bite off Rodimus' head and swallow it whole, which is odd since he's a robot, but then again we've seen Transformers do stranger things. Rodimus tells Razorclaw to "Swallow this!" while sticking one of Bombshell's cerebro shells in his mouth, and he does. Razorclaw is now under Rodimus' command, because well roll with it.

Razorclaw will swallow anything smaller than his own head without question.

Rodimus then uses Razorclaw to ambush Starscream, who quickly kills him, yea sorry no Predaking in these comics.
Rodimus attacks Starscream, who tells him that he's impenetrably armoured, but Rodimus shoots The Matrix which knocks Starscream out, or kills him I'm not sure which.
click here for spoilerish image

He then takes The Matrix and goes deeper into the base, where he's surprised by Astrotrain, who's in his cartoon design, Rodimus thinks he's smart and decides to sneak up on him, while thinking to himself he's destined to bring the Matrix back. But surprise! And out of the shadows steps our mystery character! I'm not going to use any spoiler tags since, well it won't work.

"Out of the Dark, into the light."

The mystery character is Megatron in his new design, marking the first time the design has been used in fiction.
Due to Megatron having a new body, Rodimus panics and shows us that he knows what happens when a character gets a new body and shows it off to the reads/viewers for the first time! Rodimus somehow thinks The Matrix could shield him from Megatron, possibly forgetting Megatron is not Unicron (who isn't even in this universe, but still).

"Erm, Rodimus he's not Unicron, but whatever."

It goes just as well as one would think, and Rodimus is back in SPACE!

"SPACE! Blacker than the blackest black times infinity!"

Megatron somehow no longer caring for The Matrix, strange, he seemed to have been all over it in AHM, guess it was important enough to start a war over it (if we ignore the fiction prior to AHM) but blasting it with a huge cannon into SPACE! is OK, guess he thinks his new body is a much better "toy".
Megatron then tells Soundwave to assembly the Decepticons since he wants "To address my followers".

And on the last page we see Rodimus floating dead through SPACE!
Image spoils the final page of the comic.

So that was it, our space related issue in the ongoing, enjoy it while it lasts as it might take a while till we get another issue set completely in space.

Now I'll get to the story part , which is the most important part of a comic. A comic can be good with horrible art as long as the story is good, just like a wonderfully illustrated comic can be bad due to a bad story and horrible writing.

The comic is written by Mike Costa, who's been writing the ongoing since #01 - poorly in my opinion. Everything's dragged out far too long, characters act weird and the plot seems to be nothing more than Costa's statement of how much our beloved alien robots suck when compared to humans, it's so poor that it overshadows the few pretty good ideas and concepts he brings in.

"A typical and unedited page of what dialogue in the Ongoing."

However, this issue is different, it's pacing is good, although it kind of feels rushed near the end; it's dialogue is waffle free, something which we usually suffer through when Costa writes dialogue involving humans or Optimus Prime (please die Prime, you suck in this continuity now); Rodimus' internal monologues are pretty good, sometimes stupid and cliché, but overall pretty good; and the best part, no Spike!
However, there are some bad or let’s say week parts to the story, like Razorclaw's part in this, which was pretty pointless since Rodimus' would have had the same effect if he just went and attacked Starscream himself, Razorclaw was basically just there to get killed. The part about Ultra Magnus' safe, that odd scene with Bombshell and The Matrix, The Matrix in general which seems to be indestructible and Megatron's appearance, while cool is somewhat sudden and not explained. But we might get the explanation in a following issue or heck even a Spotlight, telling us the story, which idw planned from the beginning but wanted to wait, of how and why in a few months.

So yea the story's not that bad, plus the fantastic art by nick Roche, with fantastic colours by J. Brown, make a pretty good and enjoyable comic.

I give it three stars out of five, which means I must have liked it.

"This I recommend!"
5 point of cool to who gets this.

Personally I think it's not as good or interesting as idw's earlier output (-tion, Stormbringer, etc.) but not that bad and might be the first sign of the series actually getting better, but then again Megatron might come back to earth and team up with Osama Bin Laden or revive Hitler, which would sadly make sense looking at what happened in previous issues.

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:32 am
by Prime Evil
This looks promising. Always been a fan of Roche's artwork and maybe they can salvage Hot Rod's character with this issue.

In Roche We Trust!!

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:33 am
by Darth Bombshell
Head, meet desk.

Even reading that spoiler'ed summary doesn't give me any hope for this issue. I thought the pointless inclusion of Acid Storm was the stupidest thing Costa could do with this. But I forgot about his habit of casually killing off characters, well loved or not.

Not for the first time do I find myself wondering why the *%$& I ordered this issue.

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:34 am
by Oilspill
Darth Bombshell wrote:I've come to expect a certain wrongness when it comes to comics with the words "Written by Mike Costa" on it. And ever since I heard about what's in this issue, I expected it to suck harder than a Hoover.

But never in a quintillion years would I have expected this issue to be as wrong and to suck as hard as this preview makes it seem.

Ultra Magnus would NOT leave an apparently inpenetrable weapons locker open so any dumb schmuck could get into it. Hot Rod did NOT try to convince the others with reason. Hot Rod is NOT good with bold moves. Nobody in their right mind would plunge headlong into an enemy base and walk away alive.

And after what he did last issue, Mike Costa has no business writing Transformers comics, and needs to be fired from IDW post-haste if they have any respect for their readership or their quality of work they put out.

I disagree with the Hot Rod part. His motto is "my actions speak louder than words", his function is Cavalier - so he's meant to throw himself into battle in, well, a cavalier manner. He takes the risks and damns the consequences. And in Spotlight Hot Rod (was that Furman?), he basically rides a meteor to break into a Decepticon prison (which was fairly awesome).

However, I agree with all the rest. Mike Costa's writing in the Ongoing has been terrible - though Ironhide was not bad. I hope someone else takes the reigns before Transformers comics are ruined forever.

Re: 5 page preview of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:38 am
by Darth Bombshell
Oilspill wrote:I disagree with the Hot Rod part. His motto is "my actions speak louder than words", his function is Cavalier - so he's meant to throw himself into battle in, well, a cavalier manner. He takes the risks and damns the consequences. And in Spotlight Hot Rod (was that Furman?), he basically rides a meteor to break into a Decepticon prison (which was fairly awesome).

Maybe so, yeah. But who in their right mind would dive head first into a Decepticon base and expect to get away alive? And let's not forget that one of Hot Rod's most famous acts of "throwing himself into battle" led to Prime getting killed. So he hasn't exactly had a good track record.

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:44 am
Woah.... They just killed Rodimus!!! They are bringing him back... RIGHT?!?!?!!?

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:52 am
by Oilspill
So shooting the Autobots most sacred and valuable artifact is a good idea?

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:57 am
by Darth Bombshell
GEEWUN wrote:Woah.... They just killed Rodimus!!! They are bringing him back... RIGHT?!?!?!!?

I hope not. His "characterization" has been the third stupidest thing Costa has done (after killing off Ironhide, then writing a miniseries that didn't explain why and killing off Bumblebee) and it's really nice to see him get his comeuppance.

Oilspill wrote:So shooting the Autobots most sacred and valuable artifact is a good idea?

It is when you, apparently, have no other ideas on how to create drama and tension in a story. That and killing people off.

Re: 5 page pre-view of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:29 am
by Cyberstrike
JRFitzpatrick7 wrote:roche's art is incredible

What is the big deal with Roche's art? I don't get why everybody loves his art, he's not that great. Guido, Figuara, Meline, and Su are all 1000 times better than he is.

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:56 am
by Carnivius_Prime
I'm not fond of IDW's G1 stuff at all though I really enjoy their Movieverse comics.

Not a fan of Roche's style either. Far too cartoon like especially in those pages with Hot Rod in up there. His face looks too childlike and immature though perhaps not to the extent of Animated's facial styles thankfully. Actually I've not really been keen on any TF artist since the very dynamic work by Geoff Senior and Lee Sullivan on the old Marvel Comics (and they used to draw far better TF faces too) though Alex Milne does good work with the Movie designs (even if his humans need work).

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:15 am
by Oilspill
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Actually I've not really been keen on any TF artist since the very dynamic work by Geoff Senior and Lee Sullivan on the old Marvel Comics (and they used to draw far better TF faces too)

I've never understood the massive love for Geoff Senior's work.

His art was OK for the 80s, but it seems to pale next to the detail & better proportions of the art today (for example EJ Su's art). His faces are expressive, but they still look a bit ridiculous at the same time - see the Galvatron pic above. Roche gets much better expressions out of his TFs, though I can see how his cartoony style doesn't suit everyone. But just glancing at his work you can see how much he enjoys drawing his subject matter!

Maybe, a bit like G1 cartoon itself, you had to grow up with the comics to really 'get' what's so great about Geoff Snr. Maybe I don't get it because I'm comparing it to the work of today, not the artists of the 80s.

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:25 am
by partholon
oh dear god.

how many blatant rip offs are in this issue?

more over considering the slagging nuking the fridge got in indianna jones how in the name of christ did costa think he could get away with that as a central plot point ?

and as to the end, no hot rod (which is his real **** name - fuct this "rodimus" nonsense ) is gonna come back after being rebuilt by the matrix....

...just like thunderwing did twenty years ago under furman ! !

sweet jesus did costa just randomly pick other films and stories to DO this issue over the weekend.

im actually getting angry at how the book is being handled now.

issue after issue of turgid, pointless, meaningless "stories" that dont add a fecking thing to the characters and worse of all bloody meaningless deaths that **** the whole universe up to whatever writer is going to have to step in at some stage to sort this clusterfeck out.

even nicks art isnt his best work, which TBH im putting down the the colourist who doest seem to know what subtle hues are. i dont know who this j brown is but there are better guys out there like josh who you think would be on the TFs flagship title.

FFS IDW just END this now while you still have a fanbase

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:06 am
by AbraxasGrey
lol kups feet say "oldtimr"

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:39 am
by Samsonator
I was hoping for better since they switched the focus from the "AMERICA F**K YEAH!" nonsense going on on earth, to some of the rest of the characters... but Costa really needs to quit, or get fired or something. Bring in a writer who knows a little more about continuity, subtle references as opposed to blatant ripoffs, characterization (which really shouldn't be hard since a lot of these characters have been around for over two decades), pacing, structure... pretty much ANYTHING a writer should be good for... At this point I'll maintain that the fictional aspect of Transformers is still dead to me, if anyone needs me I'll be in the toy forum ... for a long time.

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:39 am
by Vicalliose
Dead Metal wrote:
Vicalliose wrote:"a safe made of meter-thick osmium alloy that nothing short of Omega Supreme could penetrate."
Oh, I see where this is going.

You are correct!

Yay! So, what do I win for pointing out the blatantly obvious? :APPLAUSE:

Yeah, I hate Mike Costa. Basically it's been nothing but a bunch of dumb humans who kick Transformer nutz (aren't we getting enough of that in the movies?), and randomly killing characters off followed by immediately reviving them just to get them from point A to point B.

I still prefer Shane McCarthy's work over reading this junk, bad as it is, I was still able to tolerate it, and at least the art didn't make my eyes hurt on top of everything else (not including this issue of course.)

Re: Preview and Review of Transformers ongoing #13!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:49 pm
by Doctor McGrath
Well I'm guessing they wouldn't make a big deal about Rodimus in space and the matrix just to kill him off. I'm guessing the matrix revives him, chooses him blah blah, and then he goes back to earth and relieves Bumblebee as leader of the bots. A position that still should be held by OP.