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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:23 pm
by Aetrius
Name: Vulcan
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-group: Tactical Response Team
Function: Engineer
Alt. mode: Troop transport
Weapons: Laser Pistol, plasma torch
Height: 32’
Quote: ‘Don’t do that! I’ll have to fix it when you’re done!’

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Dexterity: 5
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Courage: 6
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 6
Tech. Skill: 10
Charisma: 6
Rank: 6

Profile: Vulcan is the medic/engineer of the team, and is without a doubt the smartest of the bunch, though he lacks Spartan’s tactical brilliance. Vulcan’s mind is a bubbling volcano of new ideas and concepts, he is always designing, and thus seems distracted much of the time, much like the proverbial absent-minded professor. Unlike the rest of his teammates, he does not enjoy combat, for he understands exactly what damage he and his brethren are inflicting, damage that someone will have to fix.

Abilities: Though part of what is theoretically a combat unit, Vulcan’s specialties lie in his ability to defeat enemy technology, and to design new devices that give his team an edge. Due to his engineering background, Vulcan is a more than capable medic. He has a built in sensor system that rises above his right shoulder, and includes an advanced diagnostic suite capable of scanning a mechanism and determining its current state and probable weaknesses. His primary weapon is not intended to be a weapon at all, but is actually a plasma cutter designed to penetrate the armor of a Transformer for repair purposes. This tool extends in place of his left hand, and can have its power output increased to the point of being a short range, plasma blaster. Vulcan prefers not to use his repair tools for offensive purposes and so carries a standard Autobot laser pistol for when he is forced to fight.
Vulcan’s alt-form is a troop transport, with a cargo capacity large enough for an average size transformer, and a maximum speed of 130 miles per hour. In this form, he is capable of off-road movement with four-wheel drive.

Weaknesses: Vulcan, unlike the rest of the team does not enjoy combat and would much rather be designing a new system or repairing something that has broken. This trait makes him hesitant in combat situations, especially since the thought of tearing something up is the antithesis of his function.