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Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:12 pm
by megatronus
Welcome to the latest episode of the Twincast / Podcast! This episode features your super sober host ScottyP, Megatronus, and xRotorstormx - listen in as we discuss the latest news, toys, and more.

Episode #133 “2015 Superlatives“ is available directly and in our RSS Feed, and should appear on iTunes and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.

We start with what rocked our 2015: toys, media, personal acquisitions... Our highlights may surprise you. But then again, you might have seen some of that big green coming.

That face says it all. No, I'm not talking about the kid.

Next, we switch up the format with a battery of listener questions:

Ionrac asks: if you were putting together a display, on a single, if large, shelf space (tall enough for Fort Max or Metroplex), how would you approach it?

We all just want to zoom cars around cities, really.

Stuartmaximus asks: are you super excited for The Force Awakens & are you going to see it on opening day? Staff Member williamjames-88 asks: with Hasbro back in the business of reissuing G1 toys, what should they get down to reissuing in the coming years?

Daily Double: This news-post picture addresses multiple listener questions.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program (actually, the show segue is unusually natural!) for some holiday bragging rights. What deals did the Twincast snag this holiday season? We had our eyes on the prize this time around.

Trypticon: triple-changer AND tri-lingual. That's a good dino.

Unite Warriors Grand Galvatron is turning a few heads. The crazy assortment of Combiner Wars redecoes and retools is nutty, but is it attractive enough to buy? Listen to hear the Twincast's verdict on this set.

The comic helps, and almost makes sense!

We polish off this episode with our thoughts on the recently released Combiner Wars Combaticons. Long story short: awesome-sauce.

The B Team. (The B, uh, stands for Bruticus.)

Don't forget, the show only gets better if you tell us how. Drop us a review on iTunes and be sure to tell us what you love, what you hate, and what you want to hear!

Not on the show to give your take? Probably not, so don't forget to keep the discussion going on the Energon Pub Forums by simply replying to this post!

Got a question for the Twincast? We take all of them, we just don't take them all seriously! Leave a question in the Ask the Twincast thread and, if it makes the cut, it may get read and answered on the show.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:00 am
by lonrac
Thanks for the help,



And Compliments of the Season to all

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:58 am
by Va'al
I listeneded, and I have thunks.

Toy-centric episodes are not usually my thing, because of where my interests lie, but I enjoyed this one. It felt laid-back, didn't cross over with too much on the YIR article coming in the new year, felt in touch with the community, and had enough of a personal (intimate?) slant to the anecdotes and opinions that it made me feel like I was just sitting at a table with a bunch of people with shared interests.

I know that's what it's always meant to be, but this one worked out particularly so. So well done. :D

I was going to mention something else, but I'm blanking now...

Ah! Yes! Concerning SDCC exclusives, I just wanted to chip in on top of ScottyP's point about the target audience of the figures: for an event like that, you're trying to bring in as many 'mainstream' fans as possible, rather than the hardcore fans - that's BotCon's territory (arguably). A set like the last two years' ones are excellent examples: special editions of toys that fit in the general, casual fan base and collector realms.

That's all I had. Good stuff!

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:26 am
by megatronus
Va'al wrote:Ah! Yes! Concerning SDCC exclusives, I just wanted to chip in on top of ScottyP's point about the target audience of the figures: for an event like that, you're trying to bring in as many 'mainstream' fans as possible, rather than the hardcore fans - that's BotCon's territory (arguably). A set like the last two years' ones are excellent examples: special editions of toys that fit in the general, casual fan base and collector realms.

That makes sense, I guess...

Point Va'al. This time. Watch out.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:38 am
by Va'al
megatronus wrote:Watch out.

You better.

Alpha Bravo is coming - to tooooooooooownnn.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:30 am
by ScottyP
Va'al wrote:Toy-centric episodes are not usually my thing, because of where my interests lie, but I enjoyed this one. It felt laid-back, didn't cross over with too much on the YIR article coming in the new year, felt in touch with the community, and had enough of a personal (intimate?) slant to the anecdotes and opinions that it made me feel like I was just sitting at a table with a bunch of people with shared interests.

I know that's what it's always meant to be, but this one worked out particularly so. So well done. :D
Thanks! There's likely a good production reason this happened, but I won't spoil the magic (and no, it's not that we were all actually in the same room, though that would be kind of funny.) Three people is also a nice number, especially so since there are very clear differences between the three of us on this one in how we consume the hobby despite all generally being "toy first" folks.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:00 am
by xRotorstormx
Va'al wrote:I listeneded, and I have thunks.

Toy-centric episodes are not usually my thing, because of where my interests lie, but I enjoyed this one. It felt laid-back, didn't cross over with too much on the YIR article coming in the new year, felt in touch with the community, and had enough of a personal (intimate?) slant to the anecdotes and opinions that it made me feel like I was just sitting at a table with a bunch of people with shared interests.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the episode Va'al! It was really fun to record. I agree with ScottyP, 3 seems to be a comfortable number and always seems to lead to more personal episodes. The format was a nice change of pace. :D

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:46 am
by Va'al
ScottyP wrote: There's likely a good production reason this happened, but I won't spoil the magic (and no, it's not that we were all actually in the same room, though that would be kind of funny.) Three people is also a nice number, especially so since there are very clear differences between the three of us on this one in how we consume the hobby despite all generally being "toy first" folks.

This is now canon.


Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:04 pm
by william-james88
I loved this episode too. And I am more toy oriented so I had a lot of fun hearing your thoughts. Thanks for answering my question (glad to know Hasbro has an ear on the ground for what fans want the most).

I am really impressed with Claire's answer of not needing the platinum reissues since she already has all the G1 toys in great condition. Wow! All I could think of was this:


You really have them all? Even the Acton master Elites like Omega Spreme? Not that it would be rereleased, I am just wondering and am realy impressed with your collection ;)^

All in all I am really glad (though quite surprised) that these Platinums were well received (I see them as separate from the Chinese Zodiac issues). It tells Hasbro not to give up on the idea of reissues and that it can be beneficial for all.

PS: One little thing I wanted to add in case anyone cared about TF animation history. While the Car Robots and Armada cartoon are drawn, they are still drawn digitally. The last hand painted transformers series was Beast Wars Neo.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:22 pm
by william-james88
Wow, I feel dumb, I totally forgot to write what I had come down to write in the first place.

It was in response to Scotty's thoughts on this Star Wars film, I completely agree. What is new felt fresh and new but what is old felt really really old.

I really hope I never have to see another Star Wars movie end with the some resistance fighters having to shoot at one particular part of a big round space weapon so that it an blow up.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 1:18 pm
by ScottyP
william-james88 wrote:You really have them all? Even the Acton master Elites like Omega Spreme? Not that it would be rereleased, I am just wondering and am realy impressed with your collection ;)^
I think in this context it was "everything that's been reissued doesn't appeal to me, because I have nice vintage versions of each of those". Between all 9 regular podcasters, we might have all of G1. That's a maybe. If you draw the line at US versions, then yeah, several of us have all of those, including myself if reissues count where I didn't feel the need to circle back to a vintage one :oops:

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:27 pm
by william-james88
ScottyP wrote:
william-james88 wrote:You really have them all? Even the Acton master Elites like Omega Spreme? Not that it would be rereleased, I am just wondering and am realy impressed with your collection ;)^
I think in this context it was "everything that's been reissued doesn't appeal to me, because I have nice vintage versions of each of those". Between all 9 regular podcasters, we might have all of G1. That's a maybe. If you draw the line at US versions, then yeah, several of us have all of those, including myself if reissues count where I didn't feel the need to circle back to a vintage one :oops:

Ah thanks! If you count Ryan in those 9 then yeah I am pretty sure you guys have 99% of all TFs ever :lol:
And I feel reissues count. It's a version of that same toy, at least that's how I feel. And I am really thankful for those reissues since it gives me a chance to get minty G1 toys without having to spend the big bucks. And plus, if I were to buy mint vintage, then I wouldn't feel comfortable playing with it or removing it from packaging, something I am perfectly ok doing with the reissues :)

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:42 pm
by Flux Convoy
Stop trying to convince us Armada is worth our time. You weird circle of Armada junkies are weird. :lol: That show and all it's fiction are irredeemable. The final act of the show is the only point of interest and even then... just, c'mon. There are hints of things that could have been great. It's just left there though. The execution is painful to watch altogether. I dislike most anime too, so maybe it's just that. I've seen nearly every other Transformers show though. Armada is far and away THE lowest point in the history of the franchise. The comics attempted to do some interesting things towards the end and into the Energon series. I was really on board for those. Then DW just folded.

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:56 am
by xRotorstormx
william-james88 wrote:I loved this episode too. And I am more toy oriented so I had a lot of fun hearing your thoughts. Thanks for answering my question (glad to know Hasbro has an ear on the ground for what fans want the most).

I am really impressed with Claire's answer of not needing the platinum reissues since she already has all the G1 toys in great condition. Wow! All I could think of was this:


You really have them all? Even the Acton master Elites like Omega Spreme? Not that it would be rereleased, I am just wondering and am realy impressed with your collection ;)^

All in all I am really glad (though quite surprised) that these Platinums were well received (I see them as separate from the Chinese Zodiac issues). It tells Hasbro not to give up on the idea of reissues and that it can be beneficial for all.

PS: One little thing I wanted to add in case anyone cared about TF animation history. While the Car Robots and Armada cartoon are drawn, they are still drawn digitally. The last hand painted transformers series was Beast Wars Neo.

*snort* This is epic :lol:
I'm certainly getting close to completing my G1 collection, but not there yet! Action Masters are still a part of the line I am behind with, but the box I picked up last month certainly filled in a lot of gaps. Unfortunately they didn't have any of the Elites. At this point, other than the funky colored astrotrain / blitzwing set and the zodiac ones, all the reissues have been figures that I already own in pretty decent shape so it's hard for me to spend additional money on figures I technically already have.

I know I posted it on facebook but I don't think I did here, I have a panoramic shot of my collecting room. I do remember posting the individual pictures a while back for one of the podcast topics :)

Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #133 "2015 Superlatives"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:11 am
by Counterpunch
Flux Convoy wrote:Stop trying to convince us Armada is worth our time. You weird circle of Armada junkies are weird. :lol: That show and all it's fiction are irredeemable. The final act of the show is the only point of interest and even then... just, c'mon. There are hints of things that could have been great. It's just left there though. The execution is painful to watch altogether. I dislike most anime too, so maybe it's just that. I've seen nearly every other Transformers show though. Armada is far and away THE lowest point in the history of the franchise. The comics attempted to do some interesting things towards the end and into the Energon series. I was really on board for those. Then DW just folded.

Regardless of yours or my opinion on Armada, your statement is false by virtue of the Energon show existing.

Energon is the lowest point in all TF shows. ;)