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Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:15 am
by Ravage XK
Anyone managed to get the 16:9 image at 1080p res? Just seem to get 1200x675 which ain't much use. :(

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:29 am
by no-one
Ravage XK wrote:Anyone managed to get the 16:9 image at 1080p res? Just seem to get 1200x675 which ain't much use. :(

Try pulling it directly from their facebook page. I had to open the pic, then expand it, right click and save as.

The res of the one I pulled own is 2048x1152. Apparently mirroring the image reduced the resolution.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:30 am
by Ravage XK
carytheone wrote:
Ravage XK wrote:Anyone managed to get the 16:9 image at 1080p res? Just seem to get 1200x675 which ain't much use. :(

Try pulling it directly from their facebook page. I had to open the pic, then expand it, right click and save as.

The res of the one I pulled own is 2048x1152. Apparently mirroring the image reduced the resolution.

Ta very much. :D

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:42 am
by no-one
Ravage XK wrote:
carytheone wrote:
Ravage XK wrote:Anyone managed to get the 16:9 image at 1080p res? Just seem to get 1200x675 which ain't much use. :(

Try pulling it directly from their facebook page. I had to open the pic, then expand it, right click and save as.

The res of the one I pulled own is 2048x1152. Apparently mirroring the image reduced the resolution.

Ta very much. :D
No probs, enjoy!

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:00 pm
by King Kuuga
Any word on when the game is supposed to actually launch? All this pre-publicity is getting old and repetitive.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:08 pm
by no-one
That Bot wrote:Any word on when the game is supposed to actually launch? All this pre-publicity is getting old and repetitive.
Nope, and I just asked the devs a few days ago. It's all shush shush from them on that :-$

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:10 pm
by King Kuuga
I bet you next week we get.... MORE WALLPAPERS! This time sized for your iPod nano!
This time with Decepticons!
This time with no Megatron!
And more art of things you can't actually do in game!

Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Ratchet Spotlight Video

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:25 am
by no-one
We have a new Transformers: Earth Wars spotlight video to share for the upcoming Hasbro-Backflip-SpaceApe mobile game, this time in the form of Autobot Windblade! The video shows off her transformation as well as battle powers. The video has been mirrored below for you to check out.

And don't forget to pre-register for the game here.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:59 am
by NurseRatchet
Does this mean we'll get a CW Ratchet?

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:24 pm
by Broadside27
That looks exactly like the Combiner Wars First Aid mold. Why do they tease us like this?

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:20 pm
by King Kuuga
Streetwise27 wrote:That looks exactly like the Combiner Wars First Aid mold. Why do they tease us like this?

Earth Wars bases their designs on recent toys. They even have Legends Slipstream as a character.

Speaking of this game, I was notified of an update and installed the latest APK today. Seems they overhauled the campaign some, adding a fourth map and providing character unlocks to the previous two. I was gifted a One-Star Hook from the third map but not the one-star Swindle from the second map.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:38 pm
by Hellscream9999
NurseRatchet wrote:Does this mean we'll get a CW Ratchet?

We did get one, it was a botcon exclusive this year, that means that hasbro has no intention of releasing it in the near future :BANG_HEAD:

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:37 pm
by Broadside27
That Bot wrote:
Streetwise27 wrote:That looks exactly like the Combiner Wars First Aid mold. Why do they tease us like this?

Earth Wars bases their designs on recent toys. They even have Legends Slipstream as a character.

Speaking of this game, I was notified of an update and installed the latest APK today. Seems they overhauled the campaign some, adding a fourth map and providing character unlocks to the previous two. I was gifted a One-Star Hook from the third map but not the one-star Swindle from the second map.

Thank you for clarifying that. It would be an awesome figure though :-(

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:56 pm
by King Kuuga
Streetwise27 wrote:
That Bot wrote:
Streetwise27 wrote:That looks exactly like the Combiner Wars First Aid mold. Why do they tease us like this?

Earth Wars bases their designs on recent toys. They even have Legends Slipstream as a character.

Thank you for clarifying that. It would be an awesome figure though :-(

It exists. It was a botcon figure this year. Flip through the galleries, there's probably pictures.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:03 pm
by no-one
That Bot wrote:
Streetwise27 wrote:
That Bot wrote:
Streetwise27 wrote:That looks exactly like the Combiner Wars First Aid mold. Why do they tease us like this?

Earth Wars bases their designs on recent toys. They even have Legends Slipstream as a character.

Thank you for clarifying that. It would be an awesome figure though :-(

It exists. It was a botcon figure this year. Flip through the galleries, there's probably pictures.
Yup yup; a DIY figure. He has a CW First Aid body with a phenominal Ratchet head sculpt.

Dig around, definitely worth a quick peek.

Transformers: Earth Wars - Interview with Chris White of Space Ape Games

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:05 am
by Va'al
Our very own jON3.0, whom you might recognise as the Epic Voice Guy and the voice of Honest Trailers, took some time to interview Chris White, the developer lead over at Space Ape Games, in preparation of the soon-to-arrive launch of the Transformers: Earth Wars mobile game. Check out the video embedded below, in which the two chat about the game, its conception, development, the fidelity to the toys in the character designs, and more!

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:40 am
by King Kuuga
They talk a lot about story and how big it supposedly is that they got Simon Furman involved but the campaign dialog is pretty minimal and doesn't involve any but the most superficial facets of each character's personality.
Similarly they hype up getting the original voice actors where possible, but the reality is the voice work here probably took less than an hour per actor, and that's at a generous estimate. I doubt Frank Welker was sitting in the studio for days on end trying to get the exact right read of "Decepticons, ATTACK!" I mean sure, it's nice to have Cullen and Welker but the interview makes it sound like they had more to do.
Now yes, it would have been a lot more boring to just say "Yeah we made Clash of Clans but with Transformers, and it's still a money trap like the DeNA games" but that's the reality of it. It's fun but it's very much a pick-up-and-play game which hooks you on a fun mechanic and directs you to an ever-moving goalpost, rather than an actual story (contrary to what Hasbro says in their slides).

Speaking of goalposts, I've noticed that the highest level bases in our league are 12. Is that the highest tier or is that just as far as Jon and whoever else have gotten?

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:37 am
by Burn
That Bot wrote:Speaking of goalposts, I've noticed that the highest level bases in our league are 12. Is that the highest tier or is that just as far as Jon and whoever else have gotten?

That's the limit.

Not like you'll live long enough to be able to afford to level up past that anyway.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:21 am
by no-one
Level 12 is the current HQ cap that the latest beta build allows. I can see many updates that require higher HQ lvls though.

It's possible another beta update will raise that cap or we may have to wait for the final build.

Burn did hit the nail on the head though. I think it took me 3 days for the lvl 12 upgrade and my last research facility upgrade took 4 days.

As far as the campaign "story" goes; I'd say it's just the obligatory frame work that a lot of games have to give the player a reason to grind levels. The main game here is just level advancement with a little lite base building.

I've been playing this game for probably 3 months now and I have to say that I don't always get that much gameplay and enjoyment out of $60 "full release" console game. There's not too many games that aren't designed to get your money so I have no problems with the free to play model (someone has to pay the bills).

The game (as is currently) can be played to the fullest without ever spending a dime. I've had peaks and valleys in my enjoyment, but I haven't once felt like I had to dip into my wallet to enjoy the game more.

I've actually grown quite fond of the new structure. The fight time limits and lvl caps have inspired me to be more creative with the way I play the game. I've over leveled in quite a few RPGs before and then lose interest because I have nothing to strive for.

Right now, I'm merrily leveling up all my bots with a few base upgrades here and there. I am quickly approaching the zone 9 medal cap, but that will just give me motivation to prepare for zone 10.

If you're a Transformers fan or fan of the RTS and RPG genres; I'd give this game an easy and hardy recommendation. It's a fun little Transformers toy box that allows you and your friends to make bases and play with Transformers together. At the very worst the game will only cost you a little of your time.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:33 pm
by King Kuuga
carytheone wrote:Burn did hit the nail on the head though. I think it took me 3 days for the lvl 12 upgrade and my last research facility upgrade took 4 days.

Are you running multiple accounts? Your base that I can visit in-game is level 8.

As far as the campaign "story" goes; I'd say it's just the obligatory frame work that a lot of games have to give the player a reason to grind levels. The main game here is just level advancement with a little lite base building.

Oh I know that, it's a way to introduce the mechanics of the game and some of the defenses, as well as get you a few good bots. I have no problem with that, I'm just commenting on how they talked about the story in Jon's interview like it was really involved, and how Hasbro cites SpaceApe, DeNA, and Activision as "Story Partners" when they do presentations at BotCon and SDCC and whatnot even though only Activision's games can be said to have any noteworthy story.

I've been playing this game for probably 3 months now and I have to say that I don't always get that much gameplay and enjoyment out of $60 "full release" console game. There's not too many games that aren't designed to get your money so I have no problems with the free to play model (someone has to pay the bills).

I have no problem with free-to-play. It's great. What bothers me is pay-to-win. Although the game is fun, it's set up in such a way you are encouraged to pull out your wallet to advance. I understand that they have to make money, but I'm a believer in building a product that makes people want to pay money because it's good, rather than to thwart a timer. Team Fortress 2 went F2P a few years ago, and that's when I started playing it. It is my go-to model of how to make a F2P game that people want to pay for in a way that doesn't subvert the gameplay experience. You have the same access to everything that paid players have except for a smaller backpack in which to hold acquired items, so you have to discard or craft them sooner. All weapons operate on a balance system: if they are better in one area they'll be worse in another so the best weapon is the one that suits your needs and play style. You can unlock a few by achievements and the rest by random drops, even as a free user, or you can just buy them outright. Money is a substitute for time but not for skill the way it is in most P2W games. And there's also a ton of purely aesthetic accessories you can put on each character which also come via achievement, random drop, or payment. People are happy to pay for these silly things because the game is already fun.
I'm not saying Earth Wars isn't fun, it is or I wouldn't still be playing. But I can't help but to wish it was structured a bit differently.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:04 pm
by no-one
That Bot wrote:
carytheone wrote:Burn did hit the nail on the head though. I think it took me 3 days for the lvl 12 upgrade and my last research facility upgrade took 4 days.

Are you running multiple accounts? Your base that I can visit in-game is level 8.

I wouldn't mind seeing the game structured a little different, but I don't think it's all that bad.

I think the only argument you could make that they are approaching the pay to win line is in the alliance match ups. Unlike the rival matches you can be un-fairly matched. As far as the rest of the game goes you can only buy time (if you could buy coins that is). It really doesn't matter how quickly you advance because you'll always be matched up against someone who fits in the current zone you capable of fighting in. Now I've advanced my scanner too quick and got my tail handed to me, but I knew I was risking a lose when I started in zone 9.

One of the things I'd like to see is the ability to have more control over getting new bots, but then I am asking to be able to purchase an advantage. I'm currently sitting at a 25 bot roster and that give me a solid 30 minutes of fighting in one sitting. I complained about the cooldowns at first, but now I need more fuel cells. Go figure...

The other would be having the ability to have more direct control over my attacking bots, but that'd give my enemies the same advantage. I'm enjoying experimenting with my base to abuse the AI.

I don't play very many dedicated mobile games, so this is a somewhat new experience for me. I never play online multiplayer games either; I'm looking at this from a very single player perspective. I like this asyncronous "online lite" game style. It's like playing chess via mail.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:49 pm
by Burn
carytheone wrote:The game (as is currently) can be played to the fullest without ever spending a dime. I've had peaks and valleys in my enjoyment, but I haven't once felt like I had to dip into my wallet to enjoy the game more.

I disagree.

I don't know how the Alliance wars are on your beta, but on mine, it's very hard to compete if you're just relying on 1* and 2* bots. Even with a couple of 3*'s it's still tough going. And the only way to get 3* or 4* bots is to dump money, and even then it's more miss than hit.

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:20 pm
by no-one
Burn wrote:
carytheone wrote:The game (as is currently) can be played to the fullest without ever spending a dime. I've had peaks and valleys in my enjoyment, but I haven't once felt like I had to dip into my wallet to enjoy the game more.

I disagree.

I don't know how the Alliance wars are on your beta, but on mine, it's very hard to compete if you're just relying on 1* and 2* bots. Even with a couple of 3*'s it's still tough going. And the only way to get 3* or 4* bots is to dump money, and even then it's more miss than hit.
Yeah, to the fullest may have been a little off. I do feel the alliance wars are a little un-balanced and really kinda dull and just another thing to achieve.

The way they work for us is you sign up for an alliance and you just seemed to get paired pretty randomly against another alliance in your league. There doesn't seems to be any sort of balancing either. Sometimes I can wipe the entire 5 fights in one sitting and sometimes in cannot even best the second flight.

It's a group total high score event. Pretty boring and there is very little reward other than bragging rights for winning a league; 300 sparks for winning the Junkion league.

We Bots have yet to win a league, but the Cons have cleared the Junkion league. Now we need more members to even complete in the next league.

Hopefully they have a ways to go before they finalize the alliance wars. As is I don't fight or sign up for them. I'd rather spend my cells in something more rewarding.

Transformers: Earth Wars New Updates, Player Profiles, Developer Interview and more

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:54 am
by Seibertron

Pre-register for Transformers Earth Wars today!

Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong!

After our sneak peek last week, the new campaign and new Transformers characters are coming your way this week, alongside new Headquarters levels!

Headquarters 13 and 14


Your HQ is the heart of your base and it is important to protect it well. That is why we’re unlocking Headquarters levels 13 and 14, allowing you to access additional buildings and upgrades to ensure its protection when your base is under attack!

Release notes - Version 1.24


Check out the release notes below for our next content update, which will be coming your way this week!
  • NEW AUTOBOTS: Windblade, Pyra Magna, Rust Dust & Sky Burst**
  • NEW DECEPTICONS: Blast Off, Onslaught, Divebomb & Scrapper**
  • New special abilities including the FUSION BOMB!
  • New weapons and attacks for some bots: Powerglide has a flamethrower, Firefly has a new fire-beam attack.
  • New League Rewards for Alliances: Win up to 150,000 Energon!
  • New Campaign: The Codex Showdown
  • Global Leaderboard Improvements: Visit other players
  • We have reduced the Bot skip costs before battling and also the times at higher levels.
  • Cliffjumper and Kickback are now Gunners and have a new ability.
  • Performance improvements to make the game run faster & smoother.
** We will announce in-game when the new bots are available

Character Spotlight

Don't take on the dangers of battle without a healer by your side! Ratchet will not only handle your repairs on the battlefield, but also deal damage to those vulgar Decepticons.

Check out our Character Spotlight video and see RATCHET in action!


Player Profiles

We’re once again reaching out to our top Autobot and Decepticon players to find out more about their love for Transformers, player background and favourite attack strategies.


In-game name: Kratos
Faction: Autobot
Headquarters Level: 12
Autobots unlocked: 23
Alliance name: TFGU Wreckers

Kratos is ranked at #9 in our top player rankings worldwide with 4,430 medals and is a Defender for one of the top Autobot Alliances "TFGU Wreckers". He has been a fan of the Transformers toys since childhood and despite siding with the Autobots, Barricade was his first Transformers toy and a character he’d love to see added to the game.

Kratos recommends keeping your Gunner behind your Warriors to protect them whilst they deal high damage from a distance. His typical attack strategy is to use his bots to target the most powerful defenses (Missile Launchers, Shock Towers and Beam lasers) so he can easily manoeuvre around the Decepticon base and destroy their Headquarters!


In-game name: MEGATRON
Faction: Decepticon
Headquarters Level: 12
Autobots unlocked: 16
Alliance name: DECEPTICONS

MEGATRON has been playing strategy mobile games for years. He started playing Transformers: Earth Wars shortly after the game was soft launched in Australia and New Zealand, where he saw the potential to build a strong Alliance and described the game as a "new and interesting dynamic to be involved in". 

Currently ranked as our top Decepticon Alliance, "DECEPTICONS" have won over 50 Alliance Wars with their Commander MEGATRON. Despite achieving this, the most important aspect of the game to him is the players and his Alliance, where he enjoys working as a team in wars against the Autobots and helping new players.

In comparison to other games he has played, he found the battle system flowed well in Transformers: Earth Wars, such as the drop zone which affects the way you build and design your base and the emphasis that has been put on each bot.

Developer Interview

Our lead developer for Transformers: Earth Wars recently sat down for an interview with jON3.0 of Watch the video below to see Chris and Jon chat about the development of the game.



Share your feedback with us!


Please make sure to leave us a review of Transformers: Earth Wars in the App Store andGoogle Play Store. We love hearing your feedback, whether that be the good or not so good, so that we can continue to make improvements to the game.

You can also join us on Band where you can chat with the team directly, sharing your thoughts and suggestions with us. 

Join us on Band

Re: Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Thread

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:01 am
by megatronus
Burn wrote:
carytheone wrote:The game (as is currently) can be played to the fullest without ever spending a dime. I've had peaks and valleys in my enjoyment, but I haven't once felt like I had to dip into my wallet to enjoy the game more.

I disagree.

I don't know how the Alliance wars are on your beta, but on mine, it's very hard to compete if you're just relying on 1* and 2* bots. Even with a couple of 3*'s it's still tough going. And the only way to get 3* or 4* bots is to dump money, and even then it's more miss than hit.

I have five 3-star dudes currently... they've all more or less been random draws. Cary, that son of a glitch, has a 4-star Jazz.