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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:12 pm
by ashe5k
Shadowman wrote:
ashe5k wrote:Guys can we please NOT turn this into a pissing contest over which system is better?

You like your one system over the other. Fine. This thread is about the TF game which is coming to ALL the consoles.

I hate how every board I go to these days has a game thread that degenerates into 'my console is better, wah!' People like the console they like. Deal with it.

That's the way gamers (Fanboys in particular) work. It's not much different from fans of two different sports teams yelling at eachother from across the bar. It's quite like two members of two branches of the US Military yelling at eachother from seperate cars. (Which was so awesome to see) It's about the same as PC vs. Mac, Republican vs. Democrat, whatever you want.

You can't tell people to keep their opinions to themselves, much less on the internet. And if two people with opposing ideas happen to come across eachother, BAM! You have an argument.

I don't mind opinions. I don't even mind the occasional jab. But the PS3 vs 360 rivalry really seems to go beyond all that. Even throw the Wii in if you want. My only real point was that the thread was about the screenshot, and wasn't about the console war. I'm just tired of seeing threads that have nothing to really do with the console war devolving into those arguments. There are threads already out there for those. Post that opinion there. Keep this one about the great screenshot they had and your opinion on it. If you think it's from one particular console, great. Say so.

That was my only point. That's the one that I wanted to get across. HAVE an opinion. MAKE it informed. Just have it in another thread where it belongs and keep this one to talk about the TF game and not which console blows goats and that someone else on the internet has proof.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:24 pm
by bumblezzz
Spoon wrote:
Megatron_Wolf wrote:I to feel that the PS3 ha better graphics. Have you seen resistance fall of man? The graphics are insane. The 360 has great graphics, look at gears of war, But the PS3 is a more poerfull machine. And i to feel the 360 is overrated.
lol. If the 360 is overrated, then what is the PS3?
And the PS3 has crap memory, the 360's memory is way more flexible meaning the game developers can put it to better use and thus produce better graphics.
Must suck being a sony fanboy in this generation war :P

Okey, first I love the 360 too but still the ps3 has alot better memory. built in memory for the ps and the ps2 which is 1000+mb for the ps2 and 600+mb for the ps and I have more than 60 gb because I upgraded my ps3 2 times. and I think the 360 graphics are good but still the best game ever for the 360 is gears and ps3 has way better grapic. I can tell because I have both. It is nice to see someone who agrees with me about game like Megatron Wolf. and spoon ,what is a 360? I think you are talking about the 20g. really do you watch the news. people were killing and rioting over a PS3 never with the 360 because they knew the PS3 was better.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:39 pm
by Shadowman
ashe5k wrote:
Shadowman wrote:
ashe5k wrote:Guys can we please NOT turn this into a pissing contest over which system is better?

You like your one system over the other. Fine. This thread is about the TF game which is coming to ALL the consoles.

I hate how every board I go to these days has a game thread that degenerates into 'my console is better, wah!' People like the console they like. Deal with it.

That's the way gamers (Fanboys in particular) work. It's not much different from fans of two different sports teams yelling at eachother from across the bar. It's quite like two members of two branches of the US Military yelling at eachother from seperate cars. (Which was so awesome to see) It's about the same as PC vs. Mac, Republican vs. Democrat, whatever you want.

You can't tell people to keep their opinions to themselves, much less on the internet. And if two people with opposing ideas happen to come across eachother, BAM! You have an argument.

I don't mind opinions. I don't even mind the occasional jab. But the PS3 vs 360 rivalry really seems to go beyond all that. Even throw the Wii in if you want. My only real point was that the thread was about the screenshot, and wasn't about the console war. I'm just tired of seeing threads that have nothing to really do with the console war devolving into those arguments. There are threads already out there for those. Post that opinion there. Keep this one about the great screenshot they had and your opinion on it. If you think it's from one particular console, great. Say so.

That was my only point. That's the one that I wanted to get across. HAVE an opinion. MAKE it informed. Just have it in another thread where it belongs and keep this one to talk about the TF game and not which console blows goats and that someone else on the internet has proof.

Here's a tip: Don't tell people where their opinions are wanted and not wanted. We have mods for that stuff.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:06 pm
by steve2275
Autobobby1 wrote:Nice. That pic is awesome!

Quit arguing about the PS3 and 360, the Wii is the best.

i dont care for any of em :lol: