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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 3:33 pm
by PerfectVision
Any kind,you say what you want and what you do on them.Unreleased games like SONIC FRONTIERS can be a subject.

I will put here my speedrun guide of the alien ship on SHINOBI 3DS(hardest difficulty),no other occasion i think,it answers a mostly unsolved platforming section.

In general:you're faster on the ground than in the air,FAJ stands for "fall and jump".The exceptions are ledgegrabs and roofgrab.Delayed DJ will go further.

The up slash is the fastest attack behind the more limited kunai spam "KS'.

Memorize the block timing againts projectiles,chain with a longslash or else.

Don't use the water magic immediately.FAJ,shot the boxes after the ledgegrab,the single jumpslash is another way to attack and advance.The third platforming:jump once,from the wall twice,double and chain,kunai barrage "KB",triple+up slash,spam it during the autoscroll,you should be at the front extremity of the platform,dive on the second ennemy and get the level 4.The next ennemy after long:shot before you land.EDIT:to fall on the second spikes is faster,rapid DJ+dive on the first ennemy to push him.

FAJ,rapid double,FAJ,chain and go left.Wall jump from right always wonder what is the best side.Delayed DJ.Spare and block the 2 first ennemies"carried by shots",KB and dive the next ones,jumpslash the second,upslash the next one,dive,block,JS,chain before a spinslash,This ennemy is the whole score farming section:they are never that simple.DJ and block+jump and slash,spinslash,KB and dive.Left walljump.Ignore the first floating PF,FAJ the third last ones and cord,descand with a short DJ+KB+dive and use the magic after you land(i did it too early).EDIT:very different with water,FAJ instead of delayed DJ,jump over the ennemies who can uppercut,"air slash+failling slash" after the first,"fall and shot BEFORE double+KB" after the second.

The last ennemies:one long jump to avoid the first,long range spin kill,fall and slash,up+triple,crouched shot and kill through the wall,spinkill,one shot before slide,(block+longslash) X 2,slash+slidejump the boxes.EDIT:FAJ,dive(the spin is outlawed outside some bosses),no triple,crouched shots+slide under and that kill the next ennemies instead,no shot before slide,there is always the magicless scoring at least.

3 shots,KB and spin behind him,welcome one reinforcement with a charged slash(exceptional use) and shot the other,jumpslash over,KS and tripleS.Avoid the flight with a slide.Welcome with spin+KS.Slide under his jump attack,the reason you must not use the upS.4 minutes 05:40.

EDIT:the water can be used after the descent from the power up place,don't smalljump too late in front of the next spike(the best result is inconsistent to me),a good time should be around 3:30,still good to learn how to do this level mostly without it.

I should say than the sidekick(+slash button) is useful at the begining and in the room with an obstacle from the roof(keep on going forward but not too much).The boss must die in the air with a upS,let him do a second kunai spam at the beginning instead of a reinforcement call.

The shortest level is the train(EDITED FOR A TIME OF 1 MINUTE 48:16):upS and fall to collect the powerup,2 KB on your way and the fourth ennemy should be hited twice,FAJ+KB or slideshot(it's an official move faster than the slide)through the ennemies,don't stay immobile to get the level 4.

After descent:don't jump over the small gaps,fall and shot the tentacle,block and longjumpslash,spare the giant.Block and jump,double and shot,smalljumpslash the brains and shot the tentacle,KB,smalljumpslash,slideshot through.Only 2 DJ,the second is delayed,late KB.

Preemptive jumpshot to the wagon instead of FAJ,jumpslash the ennemies.After descent:shot before land the crate,jump and two shots the rocket launcher,jump over the ennemies,shot before land on the crate,KB over the giant.

Shot and slide under the projectiles,first upS the farest,earliest possible and block+longslash the melee from the boss.

Another mystery:in SONIC LOST WORLD 3DS,there's some red capsules in SKY ROAD that allow you to burst through some sections(simpler use than in COLORS DS),the best times on the leaderboard in game may look impossible if you don't know.Bubblefishes have 5 HP while we're at it.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:14 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
If there's the option, I usually try to 100% my platformers... except for the Sonic ones. I can't really pull off the maneuvers at high speed for proper "A" Ranks :-( No speedrunning for me whatsoever.

Mega Man I occasionally try to do No Damage Buster Only runs, but I'm already stuck at the first game I tried it: Mega Man in Dr. Wily's Revenge for the Game Boy. Quick Man is such a jerk! :BOOM:


PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:00 pm
by PerfectVision
Came back to it and got some better times,i have neglected a lot the secondary stuff.My explained record was from 7 years ago.The most notable cheat codes are Sarah in the labyrinth,challenge 8 and 4 but this one is pathetic(dodge the boss with a jump and shot from behind,the speed of the mash matters.),the infinite ground+water in the alien ship(the not cheated ground againts the airport,train and village bosses),immune to obstacle,a slowly spamable longslash for deplacement and a very fast slash spam for damage(the kunaïs are stronger if they are used between the longslashes),upS+infinite air slash for a fast level 4,some deplacement and two bosses.Can help you to test things,i learnt that you should use the water before the cord and you can jump far enough under it,in the village,there's a shortcut that ends with a power up and no scroll.

The new thing is that i bought back VIEWTIFUL JOE DOUBLE TROUBLE on SINWEDO DS,a late childhood game for me,bought at release and sold long after.Overall,it lacks intensity:no hard platforming,the second half of the worlds barely has any and a lot of fights you can trivialize with the slow scratch,worthy of a cheat code,of the auto tribe king in STARFORCE 2(the origin of the term "ATK noob" in the multiplayer),you don't even need to disoriente the bigger ennemies unless you're in a higher difficulty,only a few ones are resistant to it and one make it obligatory.The dive kick gives you a superior speed and a bit of shortcutability as well as the splithighjumpcancel that can go through obstacles like in the second world laboratory(almost all of the uses are in this world,the sewer of the amusement park is more surprising).The spining punch on the bosses and some ennemies(the one with a cart require one normal punch before two slowed spins),the second and third bosses have low/High attacks that reward you with a stun,the second world mid one is more sensible to bullet reflection than the touch,the double one is hard only if you don't have the faster energy,welcome them with the spining kick.The ovni is strangely weak and expensive,i suspect that it was mean for a playable Jasmine:catch everyone and add an aerial punck-kick chain that can be upgraded for the fifth boss(the second part faraway attack can be stopped with a scratch,the spinpunch is not good) or catch all the small ones.
I take Shinobi over him and i really don't like endurant ennemies.

02/03/2023:HI-FI RUSH the new platform and fight game...An inferior KINGDOM HEARTS 3,that's because both of them are highly cinématised,not in the attacks this time but due to the abundance of quick time event and unshortcutable section,a spam of dash in a hallway for exemple.The fights are not that captivating,i said that the slow scratch or ovni trivialize fights but it would be more boring without,it explodes all the ennemies more precisely.

12/30:i've continued my SHINOBI guide on GAMEFAQS with even less attention than here i bet.I will come back for the new game probably.
I have discovered something strange in EMERALD COAST 1 3DS:the top 5 is cheated but you can still see the WR under it if you have a similar time.The previous WR was very wrong:1''21'60 versus 20'21 from me AND NOT EVEN PERFECTED!The video of SushiSquad allowed me to see the main thing that is unknown:the auto running section can be skipped,after a double roll for a maximal speed:highjump from the third curve of the grey stone section,the inconsequent cavities,two 3b AND YOU RELEASE THE DIRECTION in order to fall between the obstacles,3B from the grey extremity to the numbered platform,you'll need a medium rolljump,nor too low nor too high.Stop the projection of the roof bumper with a dash(a spindash1 is useful in some missions),the wall won't be deployed but you still take the lower route.