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Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:29 pm
by Deadput
SlyTF1 wrote:
I hate that. Parents these days are just as childish and lazy as the kids they claim they want to raise. But the problem is, is that they don't WANT to raise their kids. A lot of them see their kids as a government check, or as a liability. Most parents simply aren't ready to be parents, and their children are a result of their irresponsibility. Responsibility is what everyone seems to be lacking today. It all comes back to that.

In my opinion current day parents let their children get away because their own parents were either strict to the point that they saw it as harsh or abusive the difference between the two is that the second is an actual good reason to be nice to their kids.

My Step Dad was pretty abusive to me but my mum is pretty darn nice and the reason she never noticed him being abusive was because she was the one who went to work all day and he stayed home to "work" on his own business of being a graphics designer which hardly went anywhere until he eventually ran away to another country like the coward he was.

And I'm pretty sure that the parents who see their kids as paychecks is a minority cause most parents I know or hear about love their children.

Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:05 pm
by WreckerJack
SlyTF1 wrote:
WreckerJack wrote:I have seen kids act like that at the store. I mean when I was a kid we all knew naughty words and would giggle about them but we wouldn't yell them because we would get into trouble if any adults found out. But back in my day parents actually disciplined their children. Now when I go out I see kids running around, climbing on things and the parents don't do anything about it. I know I probably sound like a cranky old man but those kids are not only obnoxious but they could get hurt.

I hate that. Parents these days are just as childish and lazy as the kids they claim they want to raise. But the problem is, is that they don't WANT to raise their kids. A lot of them see their kids as a government check, or as a liability. Most parents simply aren't ready to be parents, and their children are a result of their irresponsibility. Responsibility is what everyone seems to be lacking today. It all comes back to that.

I used to work security at some local concerts. Now these were family friendly concerts mostly held at at school auditoriums. Of course people would bring their kids to come check out whatever band was playing. I would have to tell so many children off from playing in the isles and walkways...and this was also during set up time too. Someone could come whipping around the corner with a hand cart full of guitar amps or other equipment and run into your kid! And on top of that parents would sometimes get mad at me for enforcing safety rules. (It's actually against the rules to block the walkways, go ask the fire marshal)

Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:26 am
by Va'al
How about that movie though, huh?


Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:22 am
by breacher
Realistically speaking, if these movies were watered down for children, they simply would not exist. They wouldn't make money because 1. the entire audience would be little kids and their parents, which isn't a huge demographic, especially considering they can just watch cartoons that have basically the same stuff. 2: no company would want to have their products in them, like say, the cars, because... most of the audience isn't old enough to have a car... and 3: it would be weird. Example: Hound gets shot a few times, do you really think it would be normal for him to say "ah, heck you guys".

These movies are marketed to young adults/teens because that is arguably the largest movie going demographic. You water the movies down to make them for children... these movies wouldn't make HALF of the money that they do.

Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:17 am
by BattleConvoy
We really need a new g1 film.

Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:32 pm
by Deadput
BattleConvoy wrote:We really need a new g1 film.

But why though what would be the point?

G1 already ended a long time ago and we already have a film series still running with at least a couple more movies and believe it or not there are movie fans out there and ending the movies halfway would be a bad idea since the current story should be finished before moving on.

Reboots are an awful idea I mean when was the last good reboot...ever?

And what is a G1 film is it just the designs and copy paste characters or do you mean just rip off the story from the cartoon?

The ideal thing would be a new Transformers show that also has live action movies that are connected with the show such as the show taking place in between the time gaps of the movies.

Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:00 am
by shajaki
I think the answer is pretty simple. The first movie was an experiment and made godbillion dollars. So what'd they do with subsequent films? More. MORE. MORE.

Re: Why aren't the movies more family friendly?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:34 pm
by Deadput
shajaki wrote:I think the answer is pretty simple. The first movie was an experiment and made godbillion dollars. So what'd they do with subsequent films? More. MORE. MORE.

If it works why change it eh?

It's disheartening but Children are becoming more and more like us with every years that goes by.

At the very least DOTM only had a small handful of bad jokes and AOE had like 2 or 3 at most so clearly Bay or someone else realized what jokes not to repeat like compare DOTM Wheelie and his ROTF counterpart.