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Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:48 pm
by First Gen
With all the amazing news that has hit the Transformers Universe today, why not add in something about the next installment to the live action movie franchise.

According to, a leaked PDF Script Treatment for Transformers the Movie Part 3 has been made available by a person who chooses to go by the handle "Beachcomber". has noticed some inconsistancies with this "treatment" from the original 2007 film's leaked script, dubbed Prime Directive, that was made available for a very short time way back when. As always, and as is stated by the Allsparkians, take this with a cup of salt and enjoy it for what it is.

Check out the email from "Beachcomber" and the treatment by clicking here.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:07 pm
by Ungie
oooh! Soundwave in robot mode! nice.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:10 pm
by emeraldbeacon
WAY too much fanservice in this one for it to be anything close to a real movie... though in Bay's (chuckle) capable hands, I'm sure it would be filled with meaningless explosions and violence, lacking all memorable character moments, and containing approximately 13 more flagrant and unnecessary sexual references.

What doesn't sell it to me, though, is the obvious lack of carryover from ROTF: Jolt, Sideswipe, and Wheelie are all notable in their absences.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:36 pm
by 0ptimus Prime
I agree with Emeraldbeacon. This seems just to be a G1 fan dream. While a part of me wishes this was something more, I really don't feel that it is. Michael Bay would never eat the amount of crow he would have to eat to bring this to the big screen. He is far too big headed in the belief that his creations are superior to any "cartoon robots that turn into 80's vehicles". Simply put, he would never allow it.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:42 pm
by fartripper67
To be honest, after reading the first 15 pages I don't want to continue, because I know for a fact this is too good to be true...

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:25 pm
by Mechastrike
after reading first pages of the script, all i could think of is that the movie is live but in 2d animation. love the g1 references though.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:33 pm
by Rodimus_NZ
yeah this would make a great movie but uses too much transformer interaction for it to be real :( But we can hope i suppose

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:34 pm
by Seibertron
Too much fan wank in it for me to think it's legit. Also, take notice that the scans of each page are perfectly lined up, whereas in the TF1 "leaked" script (I still think it was intentionally leaked), the scanned pages weren't lined up perfectly.

Anyone take the time to notice if the image for the word "draft" is repeated? Seems like that'd be an easy way to debug this. If a duplicate of the word "draft" shows up more than once (not the word, but one of the images used for the word "draft"), then I'd call it an early april fool's day joke.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:36 pm
by Wolfguard
emeraldbeacon wrote:What doesn't sell it to me, though, is the obvious lack of carryover from ROTF: Jolt, Sideswipe, and Wheelie are all notable in their absences.

I don't find that surprising at all. Why rehash established characters when you can throw new ones out there to get collectors back in stores to buy them? Honestly, of those 3, Sideswipe is really the only heavyweight, and what more can you do except repaint and/or remold him. This is especially true if the Hasbro "suits" actually do want to distance themselves from ROTF.

Anyhow, love the twist at the end, but I agree that the validity of this "leaked script" should most definitly be taken with a mountain of salt.


Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:40 pm
by Sabrblade
Just take this as a grain of salt and let's move on. :wink:

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:47 pm
by Megatron Wolf
Until they get rid of bay i say the series is gonna suck no matter what they try and do. But at least hasbro is trying this time around ill give them that.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:50 pm
by UltraPrimal
Like others have said, I wish this were true, but it's probably not. You don't even have to read the "script". The tip-off is in the letter. Acquired "through a chain of acquaintances"? That's the same as saying "I got it from a friend of a friend of mine". "Our mission was to rain on Bay's parade"? That just sounds so infantile. "Waaa...we don't like you, Michael Boob, so we're going to steal your script and put on the internet. OMG, we R so 1337 haxxorz!" Please. :roll:

Though I would like to think Hasbro doesn't want their flagship brand's image to be sullied further with more crude humor and mediocre stories and characters, I don't think they really care as long as they make more money.

And while I do like what little I've read of the "script", I'll believe it when I see it...on the big screen.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:51 pm
by Armorock
I love this. I wish the movies were like this. I personally like the new movies, but this would blow them away!

It can't be real though, sadly. After Ravage appears on page 94, it's pretty much guaranteed this is faked. Ugh...

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:53 pm
by Omega Charge
Read the entire thing. While it's somewhat interesting, I'd definitely call this a fake. Like you guys have said, way too much fanservice and robot dialogue.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:09 am
by Ungie
Well for a fan wank it was done expertly.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:18 am
by First Gen
Im at about page 30 and it really sucks. I hope this gets better.

"All we need is a little energon and a lot of luck"? :roll:

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:32 am
by Noideaforaname
They travel back in time (UGH!), try to become G1 (UGH!!), something about Area 51 (UGH!!!), a bunch of dead Decepticons inexplicably return (UGH!!!!), Decepticons suffer key losses while Autobots suffer none (UGH!!!!!), a whole lot of scrolling through Sam "Spike" (UGH)/Mikayla/Leo dialogue (UGH!!!!!!), cliffhanger ending (UGH!!!!!!!).


Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:48 am
by MYoung23
Im at page 12 and I am liking it. The Lazerbeak spying and reporting to Soundwave along with Wheeljack and Perceptor plus The Ark? Nice.


At page 41 now...Man, this is beyond fake but, an enjoyable read.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:12 am
by Wolfguard
Noideaforaname wrote:They travel back in time (UGH!), try to become G1 (UGH!!), something about Area 51 (UGH!!!), a bunch of dead Decepticons inexplicably return (UGH!!!!), Decepticons suffer key losses while Autobots suffer none (UGH!!!!!), a whole lot of scrolling through Sam "Spike" (UGH)/Mikayla/Leo dialogue (UGH!!!!!!), cliffhanger ending (UGH!!!!!!!).


...and the girls caress me down


that's the lovin' sound...

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:47 am
by Optimutt

then some things will need to be tweaked a little, spelling inconsistencies (site instead of sight 4 times!!!) will need to be removed, Bay will need to amp the explosions a little, some of the dialogue will need to be readjusted, and some of the weaponry will need to be tweaked (like Bay does, with a buzzsaw).

But omg, this is great! I mean, it has a fun factor of 10! No annoying little dogs and stupid things like that. Sure, Ravage is back, but he could easily be edited out. The abundant use of CG scenes might make Bay tremble in his ball-cap, but overall, this is what it should be. Time travel and overdose of past lines aside, this really does read well. Best of all, it cleans up a whole lot of problems and plot holes, while still conveying the Story of Spik... I mean Sam.

I can't believe it prompted me to actually write OMG. My fingers are officially crossed.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:00 am
by starfish
Two typos on the first page ("reek havoc" and "hide in plain site")? How stupid do they think we are? An over-imaginative fan with too much time on his hands spunks his wet dream all over the internet and passes it off as a leaked script.

If any of you fall for this (or even worse, want this to be the actual film), then I don't know who is sadder - the hoaxer or the hoaxee.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:20 am
by Savage
Wolfguard wrote:
Noideaforaname wrote:They travel back in time (UGH!), try to become G1 (UGH!!), something about Area 51 (UGH!!!), a bunch of dead Decepticons inexplicably return (UGH!!!!), Decepticons suffer key losses while Autobots suffer none (UGH!!!!!), a whole lot of scrolling through Sam "Spike" (UGH)/Mikayla/Leo dialogue (UGH!!!!!!), cliffhanger ending (UGH!!!!!!!).


...and the girls caress me down


that's the lovin' sound...


Me gusta mi reggae, me gusta punk rock, pero la cosa que me gusta mas es...

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:31 am
by Trikeboy
This is not the script. For one thing the military is hardly in it. MB will never go for it. This would work as an animated film that you find for 2.99 in a petrol station. Far to many cliche's, the G1 references would be ridiculous in a live action film. Also, the large amount of spelling mistakes show that this is an unprofessional piece of work. No doubt some G1 entusiast wrote this over the weekend.

One last thing, this would be the most expensive movie ever. There are robot modes in almost every scene. Puting a Transformer on screen costs money and hours of work from the animators. I'm not sure that ILM have the computer power to generate this movie. The commentary on ROTF said that when rendering Devestator for the first time the computer blew up. How would they handle constant robots and two combiners.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:46 am
by Dclone Soundwave
No way this is for real. Waay too many fan nods to be the real deal. Good read, if it were fanfic. Too many chracters from TF2 absent, & there is no consistency to explain said absence. Ultra Magnus' speech at the end was basically the Battle of Autobot City from TF:TM in X amount of words. Good plot, but not the real thing says I.

Re: Rumor: Possible TF3 "Script Treatment" Leaked

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:58 am
by Primus C-00
That. Was. Amazing.

I hope to my self that was the real deal and something along those lines gets made.

The is brand integrity and then there is brand integration.

There are more than enough military vehicles involved for bay and his Army pals to get jazzed over.

Character absences from TF2? Ultimately a good thing, and as they travel back in time Skids and Mudflap get retconned out of existence.

Too much robot cgi? Pffrt, first we complain we don't get enough then we complain we get too much. With the gross from Shelfwarmers Revenge of The Fail-line the effects could feasibly be pulled off, even if they were slightly reduced.


The two leaked treatments for the prior films weren't that far off finished product, but even if this was total fan wank it was fun to read.
