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Fanmade Decepticon profiles list

Character profiles used in the Dark Legacy.

Moderator: RPG Support Staff

Fanmade Decepticon profiles list

Postby Philcom » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:08 pm

(A WIP to update things... updating one at a time...)

Updated Nov 23, 2007


Aftershock (The Chaos Bringer)

Name: Aftershock
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sniper
Alt. mode: Jet
Weapons: Sniper rifle, 3-barreled shotgun.
Height: 32 feet (9.76 M)
Quote: "The ground is so below me."


Profile: Aftershock likes heights. He can't stand being on the ground. He feels that he is above it. He feels that those who are earthbound are weak and inferior. Since Autobots generally cannot fly, he particularly hates them. When in battle, Aftershock always manages to find a high spot to snipe from. He delights in the chaos that follows an Autobot's realization that he is being sniped at. They usually don't have long to worry. Aftershock fires frequently and rarely misses. However, being shot by Aftershosk usually isn't immediately fatal. More often than not, he shoots an Autobot's legs in an attempt to cripple them before finishing off as many as possible with shots raining from his shotgun.

Abilities: Aftershock has very good aim, and his weapons are very powerful. He has a cloaking device that doesn't render him invisible to the optic, but makes him completely vanish from radar.

Weaknesses: Aftershock is a great soldier when he has his guns, but is helpless without them. He is definitley not the warrior type. his tendancy to not immediately kill his targets allows quite a number of them to escape. Also his personality and function isolate him from his comrades, and so his social/teamwork skills are quite poor.

Blastwave (Decepticonrules)

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Jet
Weapons: Dual Laser Beam rifle and a rocket launcher on his back(Blastwave must bend down to use this)
Special Abilities: None
Height: 25 Feet 7.62 metres
Quote: "If we cannot win peacefully, WIN BY FORCE!"


Profile: Blastwave is a loyal soldier. No matter how much he hates a transformer, if they are in charge, Blastwave will follow orders. He can fight autobots close-up, with fire-power, or stalk them in the air. His main goal is to make sure the Decepticons win. He was unfit to take part in the battle at polyhex, so unknown to certain other loyal decepticons, his commander officer sent him on a special solo mission to scout bases of the other factions. In melee battles, Blastwave can punch hard and also can jump up high and crush them under his weight.

Abilities: Blastwave can fly at a speed of up to Mach 1.9 and can travel 3000 miles before running out of energy. When he is flying in his jet mode, he uses heat seeking missiles to attack his enemies, in robot mode, Blastwave carries dual laser beam rifles that can blast through armour and metal machinery. For his Rocket Launcher, must bend down to get a better angle to fire. His rocket launcher is heat-seeking, so it is safer that he is closer to his target incase another object distracts the missile. In battle, only the strongest of autobots(or other enemies) can withstand nonstop fire from the two rifles(and possible his rocket launcher)at the same time without their armour shattering or breaking.

Weaknesses: As most of his spark powers up his combat and firepower, his armour is relativly weak, and if hit at the moment in the right place. Blastwave armour may shatter and needs to be fixed.

Cessna (Concord)

Name: Cessna
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aggressive Aerial Recon
Alt. mode: Before Earth- Cybertron fighter jet. On Earth- Cessna Citation X
Weapons: Small saber, and a gatling gun.
Special Abilities: She can project a human hologram.
Height: 25 ft
Quote: “Thank you for flying Cessna air...I know you have a choice in terror providers, and I appreciate you choosing to scream with me....”


Profile: Cessna is a high class robot, preferring to fly into battles with amazing grace, speed and agility, than with brute strength. She is a born deceiver, enjoying posing as a private passenger jet, just to immediately shoot off into the air, causing her victims extreme terror and all around discomfort and injury. She likes the power that comes with abusing people's trust in air safety. She exudes an air of class, and sophistication, which contrasts with her thirst for power, and all around ruthless vindictive nature. When in battle, she is seen from above, almost freefalling towards her 'prey', in order to swoop up and launch a barrage of attacks. She is flighty, attracted to those with any sort of power. She likes to use her looks and whiles to persuade others to agree or help her. (Another reason why she chose such a alternate form later on...) She is also a jealous one, willing to knock those who have an edge over her out of the way, even if it means screwing up both of them. She is very ambitious; if there was a play for leadership, she would ally herself with who she felt would win to secure herself a place in power...and she might abandon them if they end up on the loosing end.

Note; It was her vanity that caused her to choose the Cessna, because of it's gracefull appearance, and the beauty. She thought it was only fair that she take the prettiest thing she saw...

Abilities: Before Earth: She was a very agile and fast flier, due to her Cybertronian fighter jet form. Unlike some of the other jets, her form was designed purely for quick attacks and flying long distances. She can fly up to Mach 1.3.

After winding up on Earth: Cessna was named due to her vehicle mode, a Cessna Citation X. Due to her form, she has reached high speeds, hitting barely higher than Mach 1 and climbing to 43,000 feet. She can transform in mid fall or flight, back and forth. She flies and fights with high agility, and grace. She isn't above doing a fancy twist here and there....

Weaknesses: Despite her agility and speed, she isn't overly strong or big. She could easily be beaten by someone bigger or stronger than her. She can't take many hits. She often lets her pride and fun loving get in the way, hence her penchant for tricking unsuspecting people into riding her, and then doing all sorts of dangerous manuevers.

Deepshot (Justicity)

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Air recon
Alt. mode: Air vehicle
Weapons: Shotgun & two small missile launchers on forearms
Special Abilities: Flight in both modes
Height: 24 ft / 7,3 m
Quote: 'Justice will meet the unjust.'


Profile: A Decepticon fighting for the wrong cause. He feels neither the Autobots or the Decepticons are where he belongs, however he follows the Decepticons to improve his ability, with plenty of chances both in battle & conflict with fellow 'cons. He's quiet & prefers to take missions by himself, & when working with others tends not to get involved with them.
He sees every Decepticon & every Autobot as a threat & a challenge.

Vehicle description: Silver metal covers his midsection, which is slightly pentagonal from front to back, & 13ft thick top to bottom, with a long "tail" reaching out behind it. The wings come out on poles & sit vertical & parallel to the main body. The wings are almost right angled triangles, with points facing forwards. They are a dark blue with gold detailing & have thrusters along the back & bottom. The midsection is curvy & aerodynamic.
(Think Beastwars Deptcharge's spaceship.)

Abilities: Capable of reaching Mach 1.5 in the air. Being a Decepticon his robot mode can sustain slow flight (50mph) for lengthy periods of time or reasonably fast speeds (250mph) before quickly starting to drain his energy. His shotgun shoots either shells or energy blasts capable of mild stunning within a 30meter radius. His wrist mounted missile launchers can fire two small missiles, both capable of a 15meter radius, however his high accuracy decreases incredibly when using his wrist missiles further than 10meters. In his alternate mode his wrist mounted missiles fire from the shaft of the flight vehicle, & his shotgun can be released from his underside to form a turret-gun.

Can have difficulty turning at high speeds.
As he see's everyone as an enemy it is not so easy to gain the trust of Deepshot, however this can be manipulated. However his high intelligences requires manipulators to also be highly intelligent.
He is quite literally "best when fresh". His energy, speed & accuracy start decreasing slowly but the speed of this increases after a while.

Interference (Thanatoast)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infiltration/Sabotage
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Jet (Looks similar to a Sukhoi Su-47 for reference)
Weapons: Bot: Compact Anti-Personnel Carbine, Powered Combat Knife, Explosives (can be interchanged at base or similar supply point)
Alt: Carbine fires as nose-mounted cannon, Air-to-Air Missiles, can drop explosives like bombs
Special Abilities: Holographic Projection Capabilities (Range: Self), Sensor Jamming
Height: 26.2' (8m)
Quote: "Any idiot can fight on a battlefield. It takes a certain bot to fight on the enemy's turf."


Profile: A ruthless killer of a bot, Interference cares nothing for the lives of any other robot. Designed for the infiltration of enemy bases, Interference makes it imperative to avoid direct confrontation, both on the battlefield and off. Interference is willing to engage in combat only if the probability of success without serious damage is determined to be sufficient. Interference remains distant from most other Decepticons, believing them to be too stupid to be of any use. Exceptions to this include the likes of Soundwave and Shockwave, whom he often enjoys debating with over the most effective and least time consuming way to dismember an Autobot (while the spark is still active, of course).

Abilities: Interference is capable of using his holographic projector in combination with voice-mimicry software to apear as any other Transformer. While infiltrating, Interference will use his sensor jammer to put nearby sensors in a feedback loop (they will only detect the last thing they detected). Explosives used frequently include High-Explosive (for sabotaging target), Incendiary (primary choice for incapacitating an enemy, but rarely chosen), and Flash-Bang/Smoke (for distractions and escapes). Interference can carry 12 explosives at once, of any combination of the three. The Carbine is a standard solid slug weapon with silencer that is capable of firing at semi or full automatic. The Combat Knife is capable of piercing light armor with a direct thrust or severing unprotected joints.
Max. Speed (alt.): Mach 1.85
Max. Range (alt.): 3,500 km

Weaknesses: Interference is loath to engage in direct combat, as he is easily overpowered by any combat-oriented enemy. Also, his distance from other Decepticons makes it difficult for him to work together with, causing performance to suffer. Finally, Interference is often tempted to display his superiority to Autobots, by destroying them. This leads to occasional conflicts between the mission and his own desires.

Kadoom (kadoom)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Steam roller
Weapons: Large battle hammer which can be thrown and similar to a boomerang will return to a sensor in Kadoom's hand. As a backup weapon he has sensors in his hand which if clapped together can create a sufficient boom of pressure instantly around Kadoom.
Special Abilities: Berserker(-4), robot mode flight(Decepticon)
Height: 30 ft-9,1 m
Quote: "Don't fire till you see the whites of their tail lights"


Profile: Most people can look back somewhere in their lives and think of the big guy who everyone was scared of, Kadoom is that person, only turned into a 30 foot robot. Big, strong, and gutsy, there's plenty about Kadoom which can scare ya, and that's if he's not gunning for ya. If you are the personal target of Kadoom, then you better watch your butt because Kadoom is Powerful and persistent. And being a larger robot his size may be an issue sometimes in quick combat, but he can handle attacks until he is given a window of opportunity to crush his opponent. Kadoom can be patient, but Kadoom is truly a warrior on the battlefield and doesn't like to give in or give up, he believes in staying for the long haul until you see the back of the robots leaving you. He has a certain level of self control, although once in a while losing himself to the thrill of the battle. His general lack of turning his back and overall strength in battle could set him up to be a sort of leader but he doesn't obsess over leadership like some, for now the fight is enough for him. Kadoom had been a warrior for a while, training to fight effectively as a bigger robot, eventually becoming one of the teachers to help train younger Decepticons. Kadoom has seen battle before and is slightly experienced, he wishes to shut down the Autobots and reach a peak of glory for the Decepticons. Kadoom is not afraid to be a little selfish when he needs to, but at some point he finds the hierarchy of sides a bit unnecessary. In Kadoom's opinion all men who are fighting for a cause are equals among their fellow warriors. Kadoom never has told anyone what his inspiration was for becoming a persistent warrior for the Decepticons and possible never will but when he had been a newly created robot he formed a friendship with another robot named Sickle head, his head had been round and Kadoom had never understood its relevance to his name, who later on was accidentally killed by an Autobot. This changed Kadoom to forever fight against the forces of so called good.

Abilities: You may as well say to a certain extent, Kadoom is what you might call a walking shield. Showing massive strength and endurance, Kadoom moves the field slightly slowly but certain surely as he looks for battle. He has a battle hammer which he has trained to use not only as a melee weapon but also as a limited range boomerang, able to come back to a sensor in Kadoom's hands. While not zippity doo da like some of the other Decepticons, he is strong and sure of his abilities.

Weaknesses: Kadoom is not excessively quick, he may take longer to reach somewhere or take the brunt of a blast because he couldn't dodge it. Sometimes his love of the battlefield could cause him to stay longer than he should, maybe not obeying an order to retreat.

Rancid (Nassuman)

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Assassin
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Motorcycle (Cyb. Ransack)
Weapons: 2x Small Energy blades,and Gasket cannon.
Height: 18 ft
Quote:"It's not that I'm afraid of dying, it's just that I really want to live."


Profile: Lazy, unspirited, and downright unpleasant. Rancid has built a reputation as one of the most hated individuals in the Decepticon ranks. Most of his comrades would rather sell him to a Quintesson for use as a slave than work with him. He fights with a sharp blade and an even sharper tongue, insulting not only his opponents but his allies as well. When not serving the Decepticon army , he well... does nothing at all. Known to spend entire cycles just wandering aimlessly or staring into space daydreaming. He never liked the war, and voices his feelings often about it. He dreams of an easy life, simply cruising around with any direction. The only reason he's is even in the Decepticons is the promise of freedom that the Autobots deny him, and the only reason the Decepticons keep him around is for his ability to immense knowledge and a massive supply of technical information that he had downloaded which he could leak into the Autobot ranks very easily if provoked.

Abilities: Rancid is quick, skillful, and deadly. With his mastery of cybertronian martial arts and complete knowledge of a Transformers anatomy, he can devise the best way to dispose of a foe in mere nanoseconds. When in his alt. mode, he can reach speeds of 199mph, leaving most of his allies left behind eating his dust particles. One of his greatest weaknesses is also his greatest, he is completely mellow and stays calm (if not completely oblivious) in even the most nerve-racking situations. He can also move very silently in both alt. modes, allowing stealth kills, but these usually take to much effort and are used only when his plating is in jepoardy.

Weaknesses: He is lazy, simple as that, he has hardly any redeeming social skills that benefit the team. His inability to give any kind of effort in a job is quite possibly his greatest weakness. His defiant behavior causes many problems not only for himself, but for his teammates. His known physical weaknesses are the usual for smaller transformers like himself, including weak armor and light weaponry.

Rapture (Tasbirk)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Seekers
Function: Warrior
Alt Mode: Cybertronian fast attack fighter (form based on War Within Tetrajet)
Weapons: Seeker-styled high-energy photon pulse cannons on arms / at base of wings, “Swarm” micro-missile clusters in shoulders / in upper fuselage
Height: 30 feet / 9.1 meters
Quote: “Boast all you want. Results speak for themselves.”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 9
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 8
Rank: 7

Profile: Rapture is a female Interceptor variant on the classic Seeker, intended as a response to the growing Autobot threat to Decepticon air superiority. She began life as one of Soundwave’s Cassetticons, nearly identical to Ravage. She spent the first few unath of her existence learning her creator’s particular philosophy while her prototype frame was constructed. Soundwave believed that form and function were not mutually exclusive. He viewed his attempt to improve on the Seeker phenotype as an opportunity to prove that point. Rapture’s lithe form packs firepower rivaling the best of the Seekers, while sacrificing very little in terms of durability and raw strength. She is easier on the optics too. While her design was seen as innovative was well recieved, it was deemed to be too costly to mass produce. So she remains one of many early designs that never saw further use.

Much of Rapture’s early career was in point and area defense duties common to Seekers. She proved herself a competent and enthusiastic soldier and one with an uncommon trait for a Decepticon- she works well with others. Deeply devoted to the Decepticon cause, she has little time for those who bicker, plot, or curry favor. Early sections of her service record are peppered with incidents were she convinced bickering squadron mates to focus on the task at hand, often to noteworthy effect.

A more recent event involved an Autobot spy who slipped past her squadron with vital security codes. When Gallows, their commander, demanded an explanation for the failure, the squadron began to blame one another. Rapture took full responsibility for it and vowed to recover the data. After four days playing hide and seek with the Autobot in the Sonic Canyons, she returned, damaged and exhausted. She presented Gallows with not only the codes but also the head of the Autobot spy before lapsing into stasis lock. The commander was so impressed that when she was repaired he had her reassigned to his personal staff. While many of her former squadron mates respected her victory (and the fact that she covered for them), a few were jealous of her new assignment, claiming she was “interfacing her way up the ranks.”

Rapture served with distinction under Gallows, often acting as his enforcer, or as close as the Decepticons come to a morale officer. Gallows often deployed her for reconnaissance in force duties, striking quickly at Autobot forces then falling back to report on their number and disposition. However, her true calling was spy hunting. While she rarely found opportunity to partake in this kind of mission, her track record in it was impeccable. Five Autobot spies pursued, five deactivated. She was Gallows’ right hand, a fact she ably demonstrated when she took a blast meant for him. This only increased the rumors of her ambitious sexuality.

Recently her unit was ambushed by Autobot forces, taking heavy losses. Gallows was destroyed by Springer while covering the squadron’s retreat. The remaining Seekers from the unit were all reassigned.

Rapture is physically a midnight blue Seeker with a sleeker, feminine build. Imagine a shape somewhat like Cyclonus mixed with the War Within Seekers. She has gray accents along her wings, forearms, and thighs. She is considered quite a beauty by Cybertronian standards, but that’s likely what Soundwave had in mind.

As described above, Rapture is a dedicated soldier and a team player. Those who know her well enough to see past her professional demeanor will tell you that there is more to her than just a loyal Seeker. Taking Soundwave’s teachings to heart, she is an expert manipulator. It could even be said that her attractive design is an exercise in psychological warfare.

She has a dry sense of humor and boasts rarely, if at all. She delights in chasing down her prey, cornering them before going in for the kill. She has an artistic streak, probably picked up from her Cassetticon siblings. She spends at least a few hours a week working on memory metal sculptures and holographic portraits.

Abilities: In tetrajet mode Rapture can reach speeds of Mach 5, making her one of the fastest Seekers. She has a flight ceiling of 52 miles. As a Seeker, she can reach Mach 1 in robot form. Her maximum range is 4000 miles, owing to her lighter frame and primary reliance on energy weapons over heavy ordinance. She has thrust vectoring capabilities, which helps prevent stalling problems some others experience at low speeds in pursuit of land-based targets. It also improves her maneuverability at high speeds.

Rapture’s weapons were designed to increase the effectiveness of standard Seeker armaments against maneuverable single targets. Her main weapons are based on standard Seeker laser cannons, but they have been modified to fire concentrated photon pulses rather than continuous beams. These rapid-fire cannons are more powerful than basic seeker lasers, and easier to aim. They are also well suited to strafing or covering fire.

In lieu of traditional wing mounted heavy ordinance, Rapture carries clusters of Swarm homing micro-missiles on an internal hard point in each shoulder. While not yielding greater damage than a standard homing missile, they are much harder to dodge.

-While no pushover; Rapture lacks the brute strength of the male Seekers.
-Rapture’s micro-missiles are not very effective against hard targets like bunkers and other large structures, as they rely on cumulative effect rather than a single strike.
-Her low tolerance for infighting and self-aggrandizement sometimes puts her at odds with some Decepticons, who see her as a threat or at best a “tattletale”.
- Rapture was romantically involved with Gallows, although it did not begin until he confronted her about her motives for saving him, forcing her to admit her affection. Very few know the truth in this matter, but it would probably be embarrassing if it came out, in light of the “gold-digger” rumors.
-Most importantly, she wants revenge for Gallows death. She has privately sworn to destroy his killer, and would go to great lengths to do so, possibly even disobeying orders or compromising her position.


Ruination (Scramblebot)

Function: Heavy Assualt Warrior.
Alt. mode: Heavy Cybertronian Tank
Weapons: Dual Forearm Mounted Compressed Fragmaker Chainguns. Heavy Energon Warhammer, and in Tank mode a High Powered Acidic Cannon. Twin Mounted Missile Launchers in Tank Mode.
Special Abilities:Twin Mounted Missile Launchers in Tank mode. (More than typical weaponry.)
Height: 36 feet 11.0 Meters.
Quote: "Decimation, is a way of life."

SPEED: 3 (5 in Tank Mode.)
FIREPOWER: 7 (8 In Tank Mode
ACCURACY: 5 (7 Tank Mode)
TECH SKILL: 2 (Smart Enough to know how to reload and lube his joints.)

Profile: One of the newer heavy assault models, Ruination revels in his raw physical prowess and tends to let it get to his head. Wading into battle gleefully, heavily reliant on his heavy armor to deflect and protect him from most blows he fearless charges into the most dangerous of situations. The brash decepticon at many times simply doesn't know when to quit. On more than on occasion he's been dragged back by a comrade or engaging more powerful transformers or an entire battle group by himself. Particularly found of ramming and crushing other transformers with his tank mode, it is rumored moments of exetreme pleasure seem to be derived from the heavy assault unit at these times. To spite the ability to wade though several weaker transformers with relative ease, he yearns to battle those more powerful few transformers as strong as or stronger than himself. He eagerly seeks out Autobot commanders on the battle field when possible and attempts to deactivate as many as he can.

Ruination however is not too bright, and is usually easily manipulated by higher ranking decepticons with effectiveness.

Description: A Large black and steel grey colored transformer covered in iron plating. When in Tank mode, he looks similar to your standard battle tank, with 360degree rotating turret housing his acidic shell cannon, and twin missile launchers for aerial defense. On each side just above the very small bit of his heavy armor that dips down over the top of his treads are two small mounted chainguns.

In Robot mode, his lower legs are black and bulky, his upper legs being slightly smaller and a steel color. His chest and arms are black, each forearm housing a small chaingun for ranged combat. His head is silver in coloration, with a faceplate covering his lower face that has 3 black large holes in it that show simply painted black armor underneath it. His eyes glow an odd ruby red color when particularly exicted.

Weapons: Mounted on each forearm is a mounted fragmentation chaingun. It fires small rounded triangular rounds, designed for peircing armor and slicing circuitry. A heavy energon warhammer. His primary weapon in tank mode, being a high powered Acidic shell cannon. It first a clear rubber like shell, that splashes open on impact, delivering a highly volatile acid blast onto his target. This acid is specially treated to eat though cybertronian metals and alloys especially fast.

When in tank mode, his chainguns realign themselves on the sides of his form, and act as secondary, close range and aerial defense. Though there accuracy is impaired by there mobility. Another measure of defense from aerial attack being two mounted missile launchers on either side of his turret in tank mode. Each one containing 4 heat seeker cluster rockets, and that do a moderate amount of damage. In tank mode he can also house a Decepticon of 12 or smaller feet. which can ride in or drive the larger decepticon.

Weaknesses: Due to his heavy armor and design, Runination cannot maneuver well in Robot Mode, nor is he very agile at all. Firing his Acidic Cannon in Tank mode, tends to drain his fuel supply relatively quickly, thus his internal systems have a fail safe that limits him to 12 blasts from it per day. However if alotted additional fuel reserves he can fire it up to 15 times a day. His treads in tank mode is also a heavy weakness. The Treads themselves made of only light armor, are damaged easily by any weapon capable of moderate or heavy damage. His is also unable to fly as well as most decepticons, to top this. he can only do so for a limited amount of time. A Maximum of half an hour at a time. He must then wait for an hour for his anti gravity system to cool down.
Each chaingun, may only fire for up to one minute before it has to shut down for one minute to cool off. To compensate he usually fires each for a minute at a time rotating. His Large Three fingered hands make it difficult for the heavy assault bot to manipulate finer items.

Shrike (Unipuma)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. Mode: A flying artillery piece.
Appearance: The coloration is mostly crimson with some blue, yellow, and white adding some details. ... t_form.jpg ... e_Mode.jpg ... t_Mode.jpg
Weapons: 1x energy rifle hand held or arm mounted in robot mode and side mounted in alt mode, 2x head mounted fire linked mini energy needle guns only useable in robot mode, 1x heated combat blade on each wrist, and foot, forward mounted in alt mode, 1 x energy sword hand held in use, 1 x shield with a heated thrusting blade hand held or arm mounted in robot mode, and side mounted in alt mode. 1X 580 mm energy cannon only available in alt mode's attack mode.
Special Abilities: Triple changer (Robot Form, Cruising form, assault form.)
Height: 24 ft/7.3 m
Quote: "My sweet embrace will take you out of this war."


Profile: Her personality is hard to pin down in words (For me at the moment. Personality comes during role play usually), though she is sane, though, as far as she's concerned. Her trust is hard to get beyond a faith that her comrades will do their job while she does hers. Shrike fights in the war with little regard for who's right and who's wrong, and the fact the war may or may not end does not bother her. She battles out of loyalty and duty. It's hardly personal. It's possible that if she were designated an Autobot she would fight just as hard and effectively for them, though not necessarily up to their standards.

Her nature towards combat is simply how it is. Get the job done by any means necessary, and a utilize sudden brutality to disorient and demoralize the enemy leaving them open to further assaults.
Despite her hard working militant nature she despises being used, or being treated as a disposable pawn. Her tactical mind will attempt to plan out a method of assault in missions as opposed to blindly charging in, and a tactical retreat is not out of the question if things look beyond her ability. Her mind has measures and countermeasures planned out moment by moment, especially in melee combat. This isn't necessarily fool proof, but it's helped her survive this long. She gains great enjoyment out of getting her missions done, and defeating her opponents.

If time ever came for her to lay down her weapons she probably wouldn't know what to do with herself, though the idea of painting has crossed her mind, and maybe improving herself in general, But due to the way things are her only hobbies at present are the arts of war, and becoming a more effective warrior.

Abilities: Her top speed is mach 1.5, but unlike most Decepticons her flight is governed by an articulated booster/thruster system making up the sides of her skirt armor allowing for an assortment of aerial maneuvers in either robot or alt mode including movement in nearly any direction and allows hovering. This also means her top speed is attainable in Robot or Alt mode.

Her alternate form has 2 modes of operation. One is an aerodynamic cruising mode where her major offensive weapons are the side mounted energy rifle, and the forward mounted blades, and the other is an assault mode where the front end opens into 4 blade tipped limbs and exposes the beam cannon. The front end in assault mode can use the limbs now to grab a target holding them against the beam canon as it fires at point blank, or use the blades to lash out at nearby targets.
The beam canon is extremely deadly firing a single, wide beam that can be swept over an area taking out multiple targets or concentrated in one area to punch holes in some of the thickest armor or cause serious damage to anyone unlucky enough to get caught in it's path. It has an effective range of 2 miles.

Shrike's agile form allows her to strike with metal cleaving blades with blinding speed to whittle down an opponent's durability until the killing blow is administered. The combat style is her own in origin pieced together from experience. Her needler guns don't do much damage due to their small projectile size, but they can seriously harm delicate areas of the opponent like the optic sensors, and cause pain when fired elsewhere. Her long range energy rifle can strike targets 5 miles away if she can get a bead on them, and delivers high damage shot per shot, but has a 3 second gap in between each shot.

Weaknesses: Shrike's unusual flying method (At least for a Decepticon) of 2 articulated booster/thruster systems comprising her side skirt armor leaves her vulnerable to being grounded if it takes to much damage and her thinner, high agility frame also leaves her more likely to take crippling damage forcing her to dodge and use her shield as much as she can. The Beam cannon of her alt form is vulnerable to damage and becoming disabled when in assault mode, and can only be fired 3-4 times before energon begins running low forcing Shrike to rely on other means to get the job done or a retreat if she doesn't feel she has the means to keep going until she can recharge.

Her personality will probably be disliked by most everyone but her superiors giving orders. Maybe even her superiors would end up disliking the hard working soldier girl.

Silverstrike (*Silverblade)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub Group: Seeker
Function: Reconnaissance In Force. Strike / Duellist
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Reconnaissance Fighter
Weapons: Blue Energon Sword, Low-power lasers
Special Abilities: FTL-Capable Robot mode flight, Metallikato, Rare substance coating. Gravitational Break (-5)
Height: 29 feet/9meters
Quote: "There is no light without darkness."


Appearance: Her body is completely silver. She shines like polished chrome, except for her face; which has a matte finish. All in all, she is a most beautiful design. Her optics are an Ice blue, instead of the usual Decepticon red. Her frame is lithe and light. Her weapons are a metallic Blue.

Speed is her religion. The faster she goes the more enlightened she feels. Clocks as much solo flight time as she can get. Her deep-seated love of exploration and adventure still leaves a residue upon her desires. It led her to volunteer for more dangerous and unusual missions, that most cons would shun.

The way she handles herself, sometimes putting her own life in danger to protect others, worries some Decepticons. They wonder why she isn’t an Autobot. She believes there is no such thing as peace, but only a lengthened lull in war. She strives for balance and inner peace. Although these philosophies may seem unsusual among the normally secular Decepticons, they stem from from a tormented spark. One that was forced against her will to undertake nightmarish physical changes, all to protect the life of a friend. Yet in the end, it proved futile. He was also used and destroyed before her very optics, giving her a first hand view of the fate she was to endure for the rest of her life.

She always uses sound judgement and a level head. She has the makings of a good leader, but she fears such a position would force her to send other friends to their death. Though critical of the ways of many Decepticons, there are a few she deeply admires. At times, she is equally impressed with Prime’s motives and tactics. However, she would never admit to either.

She is profoundly loyal to her fellow seekers and would never betray them. Nevertheless, there remains an underlying hatred for the all-consuming quest for glory that drove her captors to make her what she is now. She did not appreciate being used as a commodity.. The experiment conducted upon her body was comparable to rape. Where most Transformers join the Decepticons for power, and gladly submit, she was forced. She was restrained and still online when she was “upgraded.” Then, to add insult to injury, she was presented as a gift to Megatron.

This led her to a strained allegiance. She could not join the Autobots, nor could she live freely as a neutral because of the Military value of her body, and so she remains a Decepticon. But unlike Thundercracker, who hides his feelings of unease, it was well known from the start that Silverstrike had no desire to partake in the war. It is also known that she is bound by an unspoken contract to remain loyal, and function at full capacity under the orders of Megatron. Though no one is sure of what price she would pay if she did betray him, she alone knows that answer.

History: A strange and rare unstable metal was discovered in a meteor from a distant planet. When it was tested, it was found that the metal's properties were deadly. The element was banned from use. A rouge scientist Thunderwing concentrated the element, and developed a liquid armor from it. Needing test subjects, he captured the neutrals Silverstrike and Starburst.

The two friends had been secretly exploring meteoric craters. They did so without permission from their superiors. Thunderwing trapped and disabled them, holding them as prisoners. Starburst happened to be a valuable guardian of forgotten Mystic information stored and locked within his cortex. Knowing the metal liquid was deadly, Silverstrike bargained to be used with out struggle for testing in exchange for letting Starburst go free. However, to her dismay, she was kept online while he preformed his experiments upon her. All while letting her witness the slow and tortured death of Starburst. What was done to her was unspeakable, comparable to what humans would call rape. Her screams reverberated throughout the corridors as her circuits burned like living fire. Her mind twisted and writhed beneath the pain and terror.

Silverstrike only survived because she had been the first subject to be on-line, and to resist during the process. The goal of the experiment was to make a Decepticon capable of sustaining superluminal speeds longer, vastly increasing the possibilities for interplanetary travel. She was fitted with untested prototype enhansed thrusters. Their energy cells had to be kept separate from the rest of her body functions, to prevent the leeching of energon from her body. After the process was complete, the silvery substance was bonded to her every molecule. The substance allowed for her to move with surprising grace and fluidity. With amazing speed in robot form. It also protected the Transformer against the heat of reentry as well as the best shielding available at the time.

Although all this impressive technology was bestowed upon her she resisted at every turn and was one day short of receiving an advanced weapons system and long range gear, when it was decided she had been toyed with enough. It was time to present her to Megatron.

She was presented like some caged animal, held in restraints. Thunderwing offered her to Megatron as a gift, a means of expanding his empire. A way to conquer the far reaches of space. All in hopes that he would be rewarded for his gift.

Megatron waved his hand commanding her release before him. She was a mere toy compared to his power. She contemplated for a moment, and then charged him. She was halted by a single shot from his cannon. As she attempted to pull herself up from the floor, the Decepticon leader knelt beside her and whispered only for her to hear. “You will serve me.” He thought of her as no more than a tool, another weapon to be replicated at a later date. However, Megatron’s interests turned elsewhere. She was forgotten. Left to her own devices under the leadership of the seekers.

During her recuperation from her horrible experience MindWipe saw her one morning working with her energy sword. As she secretly honed her Metallikato skills without her master, unable to go any further with her teachings. He took her on as a pupil and taught her the ways of feral combat because it was obvious she was holding back and needed a release. But Nightmares repeatedly consumed her every thought and action and her mind twisted like that of a war victim, Mind Wipe used his abilities to clear her tormented mind telling her to "Rest. And forget for a while." With her enhanced agility and speed she quickly became an Adept, just short of mastery. For her fear of leadership held her from the Master’s ceremony. During this time she came to respect and revere Mind Wipe. A rare thing with her injured heart. Her bond created a strong loyalty he had not seen in some time and a rare sense of fondness towards her.

**Later it is found out that Thunderwing had also begun training her he found out about her Metallikato background and furthered her abilities with his schooling of Valckastan martial arts, a mostly bare handed form of fighting, and a touch of his proficient sword skills and Weapons knowledge. Because at one point there was a possibility of his turning her into a more elite weapon if not for her attitude. A challenge for his already, unmatched and powerful skills. She would be a creation to be proud of….

She became the forerunner of the few Cons that can travel faster than light, Astrotrain, Cyclonus and the Sweeps. Some of the technology used on them came from the tests that she endured.

Abilities: She is coated with a liquid silver element that repels friction in flight and enables quick flawless movement making her incredibly fast. Indeed one of if not the fastest Transformer. This substance also causes her movement in robot form to be fluid and agile almost organic in function and swiftness. Her reaction time is far above average and she has been able to dodge or deflect shots fired at her. Her signature weapon is a Blue energon sword, as it fit perfectly with her Agility, Speed and Metallikato Training. Like a falcon she strikes hard knocking her foes down before they know what hit them. She is able to break the gravitational pull of a planet’s gravity, and her coating protects her from re-entry with out the use of energy shields. Her engines are a Thermodynamic wonder .. a Prototype coldfusion system to give her the speed she is known for. Sadly at the end of the experiments preformed on her it was decided not to give her the elite weapons system designed to be installed specifically for the experiment. Leaving her long range weapons severely lacking, leaving only a very basic form of seeker gun power attached to her alt mode.

Weaknesses: She does have a severe weakness, due to her attitude towards Thunderwing she is lacking capable long range weapons, leaving her at a great disadvantage among the seekers. Having only the most basic of seeker weapons in her alt mode. During Missions she is usually sent ahead as Reconnaissance In Force depending on her speed and element of surprise to make it through.

Her low strength and endurance for such a high melee causes her to fall to injury easily especially from high powered weapons since **TW denied her the remaining Shielding and Weapons because of her attitude her tendency to protect others causes her to be the first one down. Her only protection is her swordplay and skill to block assaults against her.

Another flaw is she feels differently from other cons during battle and it affects her judgement. She refuses to kill unless backed with no way out. When watching her swordplay one can see she obviously is holding back. A major flaw for a con. Her comrades often tease and accuse her of being an Autobot lover since she acts like one at times and this also causes some cons to dislike her strongly.

Her fear of leadership holds her from becoming a Metallikato master, though she knows all the moves and has all the training she refuses to go further. This is complicated by her mental trauma and all consuming nightmares which she needs controlled by Mind Wipes’s Hypnotic powers when they become too strong for her to control on her own.

Swiftscreech (Depthscream)

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Scout
Alt. mode: Cybertronian sports car
Weapons: Plasma Arm Cannon, Sword (Formed from the spoiler of his alt. mode)
Special Abilities: N/A
Height: 20 Feet, 2 Inches
Quote: "I'll kick the slag out of you!"


Profile: Swiftscreech is a fairly average transformer. He isn't as cruel as most Decepticons, but he can be when he needs to. He believes that melee combat is the best way to end a battle. His robot mode has his legs formed from parts of the front of his alt. mode, his chest is the back of the vehicle and his arms are the sides of the car (With the doors as arm-mounted guards). Also, his arm cannon can transform into a hand.

Abilities: Top Speed: 240 mph. Maximum Range: 700 km. Can spin his body around (From the waist up) 360 degrees. He is very skilled with his sword and knows a few moves that will help him in battle. He has nearly no experience on a large battlefield. His speed makes him a good scout. He fights rough, known for quick punches when he feels the time is right and is very quick with his sword. He'll use his arm cannon whenever he needs to. He is a skilled driver and can race fairly well.

Weaknesses: Explosive weaponry: He is very vulnerable to explosive weaponry due to the fact that he was built for melee combat, his armor doesn't withstand explosives very well. He doesn't fare well against large transformers because of his low firepower. He isn't very intimidating, mostly because of his size and lack of high charisma. He also doesn't have much technological skill.

Telegraph (Telegraph)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Spy
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Airship.
Weapons: Two retractable arm stilettos in robot mode; aerial mine launcher in airship mode.
Special Abilities: Radar/Sonar Cloaking, Enhanced Audio/Visual Sensors
Height: 30 ft or 9.1 m
Quote: 'Is it worthwhile to fight a war in which you won’t be around to enjoy the spoils?'


Profile: When Telegraph was originally deciding on which faction to join at the beginning of the Cybertronian War he was in a bit of a pickle as he didn’t care. Being the apathetic and selfish bot that he has always been, Telegraph decided that he would join the team that would concede to his demands, which consisted of doing whatever he pleased as long as his results were at acceptable levels. The Decepticons couldn’t be trusted to keep their word but the Autobots would continually nag and hassle Telegraph about his self centered ideals and work ethic. Naturally he joined the Decepticons (besides, they would have slagged him if he had said no). Telegraph enjoys the high life at his secluded mountain estate deep in Decepticon territory, although he is commonly away on reconnaissance duty, which consists of floating over Cybertron and reporting back Autobot or insurgent activity. In robot mode Telegraph is sleekly ornamented in porcelain and brass, his face an unnerving blank slate covered in a stylized goatee, lending to himself a noble, almost heroic look with his elegantly gold airbag draping his shoulders like a cape.

Abilities: In airship mode he is undetectable by most common electronic means, however, he can be spotted with the naked eye, but because he doesn’t attempt to draw attention to himself he rarely is. He also stays well above the ground, which would usually hamper information gathering, however, Telegraph has very sophisticated audio/visual sensors. In case he is noticed, Telegraph packs aerial mines as a means to dissuade enemy attack. When cornered in robot mode, Telegraph opts for his twin stilettos; he can be blindingly efficient with them, much to the surprise of his foes who might take his ponderous alt mode as an indicator of his hand-to-hand combat ability.

Weaknesses: In alt mode, Telegraph is horrendously slow and if his enemies are able to circumvent his aerial mines he will most certainly give-up. Which brings us to Telegraph’s true weakness: he is a tremendous coward. He would rather rot in jail (though he would surely not stay there long due to his silver tongue) than be blasted apart.

Warthog (Warthog)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: A-10 Warthog Anti-Tank Fighter (or slow ponderous Cybertronian equivalent)
Weapons: 30mm gatling gun in stomach, 4 mini-rockets on each arm
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 32ft (9.76m)
Quote: “You fly too high kid, your wings are gonna melt.”


Profile: Warthog is a thick-skinned flying tank who’s got the battlescars to prove it. Larger and slower than most flyers, he much prefers flying slow and low as the 53-foot long A-10 Warthog Fighter, where he is free from the whining of more hotheaded Decepticons. Gruff and uncharismatic, Warthog likes to carefully consider any situation before rushing in, much to the chagrin of faster, more impulsive flyers. As a specialist in destroying installations and attacking large targets, Warthog often ignores smaller enemies—what he sees as ‘lightning bugs for the kids to chase’—in exchange for a sure hit on more dangerous foes. Warthog’s slow, plodding methods translate over into his robot form as well, where he is a slow-walker and slow talker. Warthog never puts up with much crap, however, and even higher ranking Decepticons have seen him loose his temper to devastating effect, though his loyalty to Megatron and his hatred of Starscream are both unquestionable. Despite his loyalty, Warthog often wonders if Megatron’s impulsive and power-hungry nature might be the cause of some of the Decepticons’ problems, though he would never dream of replacing his leader.

Abilities: In fighter mode, Warthog sports a 30mm nose cannon, which becomes a 30mm belly gun in robot mode, with 1300 rounds that he uses as his primary weapon when at all possible, saving the “mother lode” for desperate situations. The “mother lode”, as he calls it, is made of 8 air-to-ground missiles. Incredibly lethal and dangerous when used in their original function, these missiles lose most of their accuracy when Warthog is earthbound. In addition to his impressive weapons, Warthog’s armor is incredibly thick for a plane, making him hard to damage but also very clumsy and slow, moving at only 300mph.

Weaknesses: Warthog is very clumsy and slow in his robot mode, and easily outpaced and outmaneuvered by other flyers in his aerial mode, though he claims superior firepower and armor are more than an adequate equalizer.
Posts: 243
News Credits: 2
Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2001 8:17 am

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